Telegram message forwarder.
Use this tool to forward messages from one Telegram chat to another. All type of chats are supported: private chats, groups, channels, supergroups, etc.
π’ Connect with us! Join our Telegram group for support and collaboration:
You can use the Golang binary to install tgfwd:
go install
Or you can download the binary from the releases
Obtain your Telegram App ID and App Hash by following this guide
Use the login
command to login to your Telegram account and generate a session file:
tgfwd login --hash app-hash --id app-id --session file.session --phone phone-number
The phone number must be in the international format (e.g. +34666666666)
Use the list
command to list your Telegram chats and obtain their IDs:
tgfwd list --hash app-hash --id app-id --session file.session
Use this command to find out the ID of the chats from which you want to forward messages and to which you want to forward them.
Use the run
command to forward telegram messages from one chat to another:
tgfwd run --hash app-hash --id app-id --session file.session \
--fwd from-chat-id-1:to-chat-id-2 \
--fwd from-chat-id-3:to-chat-id-4
You can use the --fwd
flag multiple times to forward messages using different chats.
Instead of passing the parameters to the command, you can use a configuration file:
tgfwd run --config tgfwd.conf
An example configuration file tgfwd.conf
debug true
hash app-hash
id app-id
session tgfwd.session
fwd 10000001:10000002
fwd 10000003:10000004
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- USDT (TRC20)
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Thanks for your support!
Some of the resources I used to create this project: