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Public API documentation is available here.

Purpose and audience

This guide is designed for developers integrating IDnow SDKs into mobile applications. The guide focuses on simplifying the integration process through clear instructions and practical examples.


This guide covers VideoIdent (VI), eSign, and eID SDKs.

VI and eSign support React Native. eID requires native integration and doesn’t support React Native bridges. Use native code examples provided in this guide for integration.


IDnow VideoIdent verifies the identity of a person. The user must submit an accepted ID document, which is verified along with ID holder or user in a process guided by an IDnow Ident Specialist. The user and the IDnow Ident Specialist interact with each other during this process using a video-chat.

IDnow offers mobile Apps for iOS and Android for user and userId for the verification process. Users can use IDnow mobile SDKs to integrate VideoIdent into customer-specific mobile apps. VideoIdent can also be used with a web browser by the user.


IDnow eSign issues Qualified Electronic Signatures (QES) on one or more PDF documents. The IDnow eSign product relies on the IDnow’s VideoIdent application or the German eID technology to verify the identity of the person signing the PDF documents. VideoIdent with eSign is available on mobiles and web browsers; eID with eSign is available on mobiles only.


German government introduced RFID chip based electronic ID cards in November 2010. Usage of this card has been accepted by BSI (Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik) for digital identification of the citizens. IDnow eID product is only available on the mobile channel as of now.


  • Android Studio;
  • Deployment target: Android 8.0 or higher;
  • The user’s device must have animation capability to have a seamless experience, otherwise screens that contain animations will not function as intended;
  • We are using foreground services in our SDK to perform a task that is requCHANGELOG.mdired in the process of connecting the end-user with the identification expert, as it is a prerequisite for the video call. You’ll need to mention the following foreground service permissions on the App content page (Policy > App content) in Play Console: FOREGROUND_SERVICE_CAMERA and FOREGROUND_SERVICE_MICROPHONE.

Supported Architecture

Different Android devices use different CPUs, which in turn support different instruction sets.

Currently we support the following architectures:

  • arm64-v8a
  • armeabi-v7a.

For further reading:

Compatibility Matrix

Please refer to the following link to find information about compatibility, end-of-support (EOS) and end-of-life (EOL) dates pertaining to our products: IDnow Compatibility Matrix: Browser & OS Compatibility guide


Download the latest version of the VideoIdent SDK (see the changelog).

1. Import library

Option 1: Maven

Add the following repository and dependency to your build.gradle file:

allprojects {
    repositories {

dependencies {

Option 2: AAR file

We also offer the possibility to import the SDK as an .aar file instead.

Copy the idnow-android-sdk-x.x.x.aar file into the libs folder, then add the following repositories and dependencies to your build.gradle file:

allprojects {
    repositories {
        flatDir { dirs("libs") }

dependencies {


2. Import BouncyCastle

Starting with SDK version 7.0.0 we offer the possibility to integrate your bouncycastle preferred version as an external library. We offer the BouncyCastle version 1.64 as a default (only compile) used version, therefore integrating it as external library is mandatory for the runtime. If you don't have any BouncyCastle version preferences, you can use the following

Copy bcprov-jdk15to18-164.jar and bctls-jdk15to18-164.jar files into the libs folder, then add the following repositories and dependencies to your build.gradle file:

allprojects {
    repositories {
        flatDir { dirs("libs") }

dependencies {


Our SDK uses the following permissions:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.FLASHLIGHT" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_CONNECT"/>

//requested when using VideoIdent
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO" />

//requested when using eID
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.NFC" />

Note: There permissions don't need to be added to your project's manifest file.


Setup and run

After adding the IDnowSDK into your project you need to follow these steps in order to start an identification process.

Step 1. Initialize SDK

IDnowSDK.getInstance().initialize(<Activity>, "<companyid>");

Step 2. Start SDK

try {
    IDnowSDK.getInstance().initialize(StartActivity.this, "companyId");

    //Additional settings

} catch (Exception e) {

The SDK checks the input parameters and throws an Exception if something is deemed not right, to provide you with quick feedback. Handle it as desired.

To handle the results of the identification, implement the standard onActivityResult function in your activity:

    protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
        if (requestCode == IDnowSDK.REQUEST_ID_NOW_SDK) {
            if (resultCode == IDnowSDK.RESULT_CODE_SUCCESS) {
                if (data != null) {
                    String transactionToken = data.getStringExtra(IDnowSDK.RESULT_DATA_TRANSACTION_TOKEN);
                    Log.v(TAG, "success, transaction token: " + transactionToken);
            } else if (resultCode == IDnowSDK.RESULT_CODE_CANCEL) {
                if (data != null) {
                    String transactionToken = data.getStringExtra(IDnowSDK.RESULT_DATA_TRANSACTION_TOKEN);
                    String errorMessage = data.getStringExtra(IDnowSDK.RESULT_DATA_ERROR);
                    Log.v(TAG, "canceled, transaction token: " + transactionToken + ", error: "
            } else if (resultCode == IDnowSDK.RESULT_CODE_FAILED) {
                if (data != null) {
                    String transactionToken = data.getStringExtra(IDnowSDK.RESULT_DATA_TRANSACTION_TOKEN);
                    String errorMessage = data.getStringExtra(IDnowSDK.RESULT_DATA_ERROR);
                    Log.v(TAG, "failed, transaction token: " + transactionToken + ", error: "
            } else {
                Log.v(TAG, "Result Code: " + resultCode);

Additional settings

Property name Description
setTransactionToken A token that will be used for instantiating a video identification.
setEnvironment Optional: There are three types of environment that can be used for the identification. They are: DEV, TEST, LIVE. The default value is null. The environment used is identified by the prefix of the transaction token (DEV -> DEV, TST -> Test, else -> Live). You can use the special IDnowEnvironmentCustom to define a custom IDnow installation. If this is done, you need to set the apiHost and websocketHost.
setShowErrorSuccessScreen Optional: If set to false, the Error-Success-Screen provided by the SDK will not be displayed.
The default value of this property is true.
setShowVideoOverviewCheck Optional: If set to false, the Terms and Conditions screen will not be shown before starting a video identification.
The default value of this property is true.
setApiHost The target server url for REST calls if custom server is used.
setWebsocketHost The target server url for websocket calls if custom server is used.
setConnectionType The connection type to use to talk the backend.ConnectionType
Possible values:
- WEBSOCKET (default)
setCertificateProvider Accepts a subclass of CertificateProvider. Used to provide custom mTLS certificates used by the network connections. See Custom certificate providers.
setDtlsCertificateProvider Accepts a subclass of CertificateProvider. Used to provide custom DTLS certificates used by the WebRTC connection. See Custom certificate providers.
logging enableLogging or disableLogging methods are used to toggle logging.
The default value of this property is true.

Custom certificate providers


Starting from SDK version 7.2.0 we offer to set your own DTLS certificates used by the WebRTC connection.


The certificate provider needs to:

  • be a subclass of CertificateProvider
  • enable featureCertificate flag
  • override provideCertificateBytestream method (raw data of the certificate file).


Starting from SDK version 6.5.0 we offer MTLS support for API connections.


The certificate provider needs to:

  • be a subclass of CertificateProvider
  • enable featureCertificate flag
  • override providePrivateKeyBytestream method (raw data of *.der private key file)
  • override provideCertificateBytestream method (raw data of .der certificate file)
  • enable featureFingerPrint and/or featureServerCert flag(s)
  • override provideServerFingerPrintByteStreams and/or provideServerCertificateBytestreams method(s) (row data list of fingerprint/certificate files).

- CertificateProvider can validate multiple server certificates/fingerprints.
- Certificates should be imported in .der format.

Using IDnow with other native libraries (UnsatisfiedLinkError)

For Videostreaming the IDnow SDK uses IceLink which come with native libs.

If your app uses other 3rd party libs that come with their own native libs, it's possible that you get an UnsatisfiedLinkError.

This means that the native lib folders shipped by your 3rd party lib don't match the native lib folders shipped by the IDnow SDK. Currently the IDnow SDK comes with the following folders: armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a. If your 3rd party library only supports some of the architectures but not others (e.g. armeabi, but not armeabi-v7a), you must exclude the other folders of the IDnow SDK in your build.gradle (in this example: armeabi-v7a) with the following command:

android {
    packagingOptions {
        exclude "lib/armeabi-v7a/"

If it's the other way round (your 3rd party lib ships more than armeabi, armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a), you have to exclude these folders, so the remaining folders match the Idnow SDK folders.

For further reading:

Additionally, a video is often required to demonstrate how the app uses the foreground service.

Please contact the support team in case that video is needed.



Parameter Name Description Appearance
primaryColor Optional color that replaces the background color of the Proceed button.
Default: #FF6B40#FF6B40
primaryVariantColor Optional color that replaces the background color of the Proceed button with a transparent code.
Default: #80FF6B40#80FF6B40
bgPrimaryColor Optional color to be used as the screen background.
Default: #F8F8F8#F8F8F8
bgSecondaryColor Optional color that replaces the default background color of the textfield components.
primarytextColor Optional color that replaces the default text color.
Default: #000000#000000
Recommendation: It must be a dark color that contrasts with the white color.
buttontextColor Optional color that replaces the color of the text in the Proceed button.
Default value: #FFFFFF#FFFFFF
basicInputField Optional color that replaces the default text color of the textfield components.
Default: #7B7B7B#7B7B7B
basicNavStepOn Optional color that replaces the default background color of the identification steps when this parameter is activated.
basicNavStepOff Optional color that replaces the default background color for disabled identification steps when the parameter is deactivated.
Default: #C9C6C4#C9C6C4


The SDK offers the possibility to change the font.


  FontsOverride.setDefaultFont(this, "SERIF", "roboto_thin_italic.ttf");

Error codes

Result code Description
IDnowSDK.RESULT_CODE_SUCCESS Process has successfully finished.
Intent contains the identification token (IDnowSDK.RESULT_DATA_TRANSACTION_TOKEN)
IDnowSDK.RESULT_CODE_CANCEL User has cancelled the identification process.
Intent contains the error message (IDnowSDK.RESULT_DATA_ERROR) and identification token (IDnowSDK.RESULT_DATA_TRANSACTION_TOKEN)
IDnowSDK.RESULT_CODE_FAILED The identification has failed.
Intent contains the error code (IDnowSDK.RESULT_ERROR_CODE) and/or message (IDnowSDK.RESULT_DATA_ERROR)
IDnowSDK.RESULT_CODE_WRONG_IDENT User has used a wrong identification token.
Intent contains the error message (IDnowSDK.RESULT_DATA_ERROR) and identification token (IDnowSDK.RESULT_DATA_TRANSACTION_TOKEN)


In case you would like to change the localization used by the IDnow SDK at runtime you can do it by supplying the language code to the IDnowSettings instance. The languages supported are mentioned below:

Language Code
English en
German de
French fr
Spanish es
Italian it
Portuguese pt
Estonian et
Croatian hr
Hungarian hu
Georgian ka
Korean ko
Lithuanian lt
Latvian lv
Dutch nl
Polish pl
Ukrainian ua
Chinese zh
Russian ru

For example, if you want to change language to English(en) then follow this setting:

IDnowSDK.setLocale(context, "en");


To configure the environment used for the identification process, you can set a specific environment value. If no environment is defined, the default value is null, which means that it will be automatically determined based on the prefix of the transaction token.

Available environments:
- DEV → Development environments (DEV, DEV2, DV3, ..., DV20);
- TEST → Test environments (TEST, TEST1, TEST2, TEST3);
- STAGING → Staging environment (SG1);
- LIVE → Production environment (LIVE);
- CUSTOM → Custom environment (CUSTOM).

Example: If Development environment is required, then user must initialize the following setting.


If you want to use a custom environment, you need to configure the following properties to establish the connection to the custom servers:

Name Description
API Host The domain name or IP address (IPv4) of the host that serves the API.
WebSocket Host A WebSocket server that listens to WebSocket connections or channels and handles the communication with clients trying to connect to it.
Video Host The server that hosts and displays online video.
STUN Host A STUN (Session Traversal Utilities for NAT) host sends a request to a STUN server, which is located on the public side of the Network Address Translation (NAT). The server responds with the public IP address and port from which the request was seen.


IDnowSDK.setApiHost("YOUR_API_HOST", context);
IDnowSDK.setWebsocketHost("YOUR_WEBSOCKET_HOST", context);
IDnowSDK.setVideoHost("YOUR_VIDE_HOST", context);
IDnowSDK.setStunHost("YOUR_STUN_HOST", context);

Other supported platforms


Our Cordova plugin offers the possibility of integrating our native Android and iOS SDK into the Cordova-based applications. The plugin offers the possibility to customize and setup of the SDK. At the end of the identification process, the SDK communicates with the plug-in via a callback, allowing the Cordova application to update the flow. Please refer to this link for implementation details.
Note: Only VideoIdent and eSign are supported so far. eID is not supported.

React native

Our React Native plug-in offers the possibility of integrating our native Android and iOS SDK into the React Native-based applications. It offers the possibility to customize and setup the SDK, and uses the latest expo native modules to create the bridging mechanism. Please refer to this link for implementation details.
Note: Only VideoIdent and eSign are supported so far. eID is not supported.

eID Framework

IDnow eID is an automated and fully AML-compliant identification product. All it requires is an NFC-enabled (Near Field Communication) smartphone and a German ID document (ID card or Residence permit) with an activated eID function or the eID card for EU citizens.

For configuration details, please refer to the IDnow eID SDK Documentation


Please see for a sample applications.