Atom Build for BridleNSIS, transpiles BridleNSIS into NSIS
Install build-bridlensis
from Atom's Package Manager or the command-line equivalent:
$ apm install build-bridlensis
Change to your Atom packages directory:
# Powershell
$ cd $Env:USERPROFILE\.atom\packages
:: Command Prompt
$ cd %USERPROFILE%\.atom\packages
Linux & macOS
$ cd ~/.atom/packages/
Clone repository as build-bridlensis
$ git clone build-bridlensis
Inside the cloned directory, install Node dependencies:
$ yarn || npm install
You should now be setup to build the package:
$ yarn build || npm run build
Make sure to specify the path to your BridleNSIS.jar
in the package settings.
pathToJar: "%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%\\BridleNSIS\\BridleNSIS-0.4.1.jar"
Before you can build, select an active target with your preferred build option.
Available targets:
– transpile script
Here's a reminder of the default shortcuts you can use with this package:
Choose target
Super+Alt+T or F7
Toggle build panel
Super+Alt+V or F8
Build script
Super+Alt+B or F9
This work is dual-licensed under The MIT License and the GNU General Public License, version 2.0