Palo Alto Networks provides an free overview about theire application classification at This can be used by Palo Alto Customers to check what an specific app is categorised by Palo Alto Firewalls.
Sadly this information is not available in a machine usable format.
So this quick and dirty Ruby Script is scarping the data and generating a big CSV with all Details.
I tested a full download, which takes about 15 minutes - mostly because every detail page of the ~ 3000 apps have to be opend with a POST Request.
Please feel free to contribute improvements, e.g.
- do some CLI improvements
- prallel requests
- error handling
- only request missing / changed app details
- code quality ;)
The App generates two kind of CSV, one big overview List, and one Detail List with all the app details. You have to modify main.rb (uncomment methods) #Gernate the App List (applipedia_list.csv) #get_list #Generate the Full Detail CSV (applipedia_detail_list.csv) #I recommend to test the functionality with a "short list" - applipedia_short_list #get_details
- Thor CLI
- method to parse only the delta - identify new / changed apps utilizing which points to: (seems to be currently unavailable!)