├── Traitement Images
│ ├── cours
│ │ ├── ch0 TI Initiation à Matlab.ppt.pdf
│ │ ├── ch1 TI.pdf
│ │ └── ch2 TI Filtrage.pdf
│ ├── ressources
│ └── tps
│ ├── TP1
│ │ ├── TP1 Ex3 .pdf
│ │ ├── TP1
│ │ └── TP1 TI.pdf
│ └── TP2
│ ├── TP2
│ └── TP2 TI.pdf
├── Architecture N Tiers J2EE
│ ├── cours
│ ├── ressources
│ └── tps
├── Gestion de projet
│ ├── cours
│ ├── ressources
│ └── tps
├── Informatique decisionnelle
│ ├── cours
│ ├── ressources
│ └── tps
├── Systemes Repartis
│ ├── cours
│ ├── ressources
│ └── tps
└── Vision par Ordinateur
├── cours
├── ressources
└── tps
sign in to github
head over to the project GitHub repo and click the "Fork" button on the top.
install Git on your machine (or any other git client)
clone your fork repo
git clone<your USERNAME>/MSOTI.git
- Add the original repo 'upstream' to list of remotes
git remote add upstream
- Whenever you want to update your fork with the latest upstream changes, you'll need to first fetch the upstream repo's branches and latest commits to bring them into your repository, then merge it to your master:
# Fetch from upstream remote
git fetch upstream
# Checkout your master branch and merge upstream
git checkout master
git merge upstream/master
make your changes
to save your changes locally
git commit -a
- send saved changes to your fork repo
git pull origin master
- finally to add your contribution to the original repo just go to "< Your USERNAME >/MSOTI/pulls" and open a new pull request to save changes to the original repo(