There is an extremely easy-to-use character Interactive Components plugin for Unreal Engine, also extremely well-profiled.
This plugin was implemented with GlobalShaders and SubWorldSystem.
Those components could be used in Console|PC|iOS|Andriod, with very low cost.
After installing this plugin into your project, just add components into your character blueprint, BOOM!!! everything is DONE, without other settings.
Component to interact with Water
Component to interact with Foliage
git clone
Put ImpactWorld plugin folder into your Unreal Engine Project Plugins folder(If no folder named Plugins, create one).
Start your project, add components into your character blueprint, then, Enjoy!
There is global parameters:
MainMenu Edit -> Project Settings -> Plugins -> ImpactWorld
Set ImpactWaterComponent at Character Blueprints:
Set ImpactFoliageComponent at Character Blueprints:
You need add a MaterialFunction Node into your assets like water plane material or foliage material.
For Water Plane:
For Foliage Material:
Unreal Engine 4.26+
Feel FREE to use it in your Project, Hope it helped.