npm run build
The output of this project is a single file bundle appropiate for browser use. It will be usable in the browser with something like:
<script src="dist/core.js"></script>
var grid = new lib.Grid()
The output format is IIFE exporting out the following classes:
Through use of global-name lib
npm install -D jest
// not sure how much I need these two...
npm install -D @types/jest ts-jest
// need this to build stuff properly for our tests...
npm install --save-dev esbuild-jest
// replace `test` script in package.json with `jest`
npx jest -t "Test step size and clamping together"
Based on stuff from:
- Note that there are instructions here on attaching using vscode, but I haven't figure that out yet
- Find the test you (or code) you want to debug and add
inline - Run isolated test with something like:
npx --node-options="--inspect-brk" jest -t "Test step size and clamping together" -i
- Start inspector, and start automatic breakpoint
- You can do
to do without the automatic breakpoint
-t "Test step size and clamping together"
- Regex/select the specific test to run
Same as--runInBand
. Runs the inline (instead of using worker pool). Makes it easier to debug.
- Attach using a chromium based browser (can't use FF because its gecko based). Go to
and click onOpen dedicated DevTools for Node