Website for the ICAPS 2025 conference held in Melbourne, Australia - November 9-14, 2025.
This site is published via a GH Action workflow to the following GH-pages:
The site is built with HUGO framework for automated generation of static web content.
All development of the website is meant to happen in this repo. When changes are pushed to branch main
, a GH Actions workflow:
- first builds the static pages (by running
); and then - deploys the site into github-pages.
See below for how to locally develop the site and how to publish automatically.
- HUGO framework for production of static web pages.
- Weather Widget: for the weather widget at the conference location.
It is convenient to develop and test locally your site before pushing it to the remote repo (which kicks off the deployment workflow to re-build the site).
To test your site locally, just run the following to build the site and bringing up a local server for it:
$ hugo server
Built in 19 ms
Environment: "development"
Serving pages from disk
Running in Fast Render Mode. For full rebuilds on change: hugo server --disableFastRender
Web Server is available at http://localhost:1313/ (bind address
Press Ctrl+C to stop
The site can be accessed locally at http://localhost:1313/ and is locally produced in folder public/
(not tracked by git).
Once happy with the changes to the site, push the changes to the remote repo for building and deployment.
GH already provides Hugo workflows to build the site from your sources (i.e., produce the static web pages) and deploy the site to GH-pages.
All you need to set-up the Build and deployment mode of this repo as follows:
There will be built-in scripts for Hugo that will produce file .github/workflows/hugo.yml.
The workshop will trigger when there is a new push into main
The webpage will be accessible at https://<username>
Hugo can produce the set of static pages that can be copied to any WWW server.
To (only) build the static pages without running the local server:
$ hugo -t mainroad -d <FOLDER TO BUILD STATIC PAGES>
If -d
is not given, it will be produced in folder public/
If you want to deploy the built web pages to another location than GH (e.g., your uni servers), just copy the content under public/
If the static web pages are meant to live on another web-site, you can use the
script for copying the built site, and pushing the changes.