This is a group and final project developed at Trybe's Frontend Module.
The team was composed by: Ibrahim Borba, Samuel Santos and Victor Vidal.
Being the final project, we used all the tools learned in this module: React, Redux, React Testing Library and Styled Components.
- Welcome to Recipes App project!
- Summary
- Context
- Technologies Used
- Installing, running and testing the app
- Notes
- Lint
- Preview
This project is a Recipes App that allows the user to find and save new recipes through:
- Filtering, Searching and Exploring recipes through different categories and options
- Starting and Finishing a recipe
- Saving and Removing favorite recipes
- Viewing done and favorite recipes
This project used the following technologies and tools:
- Scrum and Kanban | Agreements, Task division and Communication
- React | Componetization, Router, Hooks
- Redux | State Management
- React Testing Library | Testing Interactions and Accessibility
- Styled Components | Component Level Styles
cd recipes-app-cookbook
npm install
cd recipes-app-cookbook
npm start
npm test
npm run lint
- This project used the Conventional Commits specification with some types from Angular convention.
- We used a Pre-Merge branch to: merge each person branch before merging into the Main branch, resolve conflicts and let the tests run without blocking the development of other features.
- The project was developed following the Clean Code standards specified by Trybe's Lint.