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Add s7-info script, for more SCADA/ICS enumeration
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bonsaiviking committed Jun 18, 2014
1 parent 0f17475 commit e69325c
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Showing 2 changed files with 298 additions and 0 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions CHANGELOG
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@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
# Nmap Changelog ($Id$); -*-text-*-

o [NSE] Add s7-info script to get device information from Siemens PLCs via the
S7 service, tunnelled over ISO-TSAP on TCP port 102. [Stephen Hilt]

o Added options --data <hex string> and --data-string <string> to send custom
payloads in scan packet data. [Jay Bosamiya]

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295 changes: 295 additions & 0 deletions scripts/s7-info.nse
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@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
local bin = require "bin"
local nmap = require "nmap"
local shortport = require "shortport"
local stdnse = require "stdnse"
local string = require "string"
local table = require "table"

description = [[
Enumerates Siemens S7 PLC Devices and collects their device information. This
script is based off PLCScan that was developed by Positive Research and
Scadastrangelove ( This script is meant to
provide the same functionality as PLCScan inside of Nmap. Some of the
information that is collected by PLCScan was not ported over; this
information can be parsed out of the packets that are received.
Thanks to Positive Research, and Dmitry Efanov for creating PLCScan

author = "Stephen Hilt (Digital Bond)"
license = "Same as Nmap--See"
categories = {"discovery", "intrusive"}

-- @usage
-- nmap -sP --script s7-info.nse -p 102 <host/s>
-- @output
--102/tcp open Siemens S7 315 PLC
--| s7-info:
--| Basic Hardware: 6ES7 315-2AG10-0AB0
--| System Name: SIMATIC 300(1)
--| Copyright: Original Siemens Equipment
--| Version: 2.6.9
--| Module Type: CPU 315-2 DP
--| Module: 6ES7 315-2AG10-0AB0
--|_ Serial Number: S C-X4U421302009
-- @xmloutput
--<elem key="Basic Hardware">6ES7 315-2AG10-0AB0</elem>
--<elem key="System Name">SIMATIC 300(1)</elem>
--<elem key="Copyright">Original Siemens Equipment</elem>
--<elem key="Version">2.6.9</elem>
--<elem key="Object Name">SimpleServer</elem>
--<elem key="Module Type">CPU 315-2 DP</elem>
--<elem key="Module">6ES7 315-2AG10-0AB0</elem>
--<elem key="Serial Number">S C-X4U421302009</elem>
--<elm key="Plant Identification"></elem>

-- port rule for devices running on TCP/102
portrule = shortport.port_or_service(102, "iso-tsap", "tcp")

-- Function to send and receive the S7COMM Packet
-- First argument is the socket that was created inside of the main Action
-- this will be utilized to send and receive the packets from the host.
-- the second argument is the query to be sent, this is passed in and is created
-- inside of the main action.
-- @param socket the socket that was created in Action.
-- @param query the specific query that you want to send/receive on.
local function send_receive(socket, query)
local sendstatus, senderr = socket:send(query)
if(sendstatus == false) then
return "Error Sending S7COMM"
-- receive response
local rcvstatus, response = socket:receive()
if(rcvstatus == false) then
return "Error Reading S7COMM"
return response

-- Function to parse the first SZL Request response that was received from the S7 PLCC
-- First argument is the socket that was created inside of the main Action
-- this will be utilized to send and receive the packets from the host.
-- the second argument is the query to be sent, this is passed in and is created
-- inside of the main action.
-- @param response Packet response that was received from S7 host.
-- @param host The host hat was passed in via Nmap, this is to change output of host/port
-- @param port The port that was passed in via Nmap, this is to change output of host/port
-- @param output Table used for output for return to Nmap
local function parse_response(response, host, port, output)
-- unpack the protocol ID
local pos, value = bin.unpack("C", response, 8)
-- unpack the second byte of the SZL-ID
local pos, szl_id = bin.unpack("C", response, 31)
-- set the offset to 0
local offset = 0
-- if the protocol ID is 0x32
if (value == 0x32) then
local pos
-- unpack the module information
pos, output["Module"] = bin.unpack("z", response, 44)
-- unpack the basic hardware information
pos, output["Basic Hardware"] = bin.unpack("z", response, 72)
-- set version number to 0
local version = 0
-- parse version number
local pos, char1, char2, char3 = bin.unpack("CCC", response, 123)
-- concatenate string, or if string is nil make version number 0.0
output["Version"] = table.concat({char1 or "0.0", char2, char3}, ".")
-- return the output table
return output
return nil

-- Function to parse the second SZL Request response that was received from the S7 PLC
-- First argument is the socket that was created inside of the main Action
-- this will be utilized to send and receive the packets from the host.
-- the second argument is the query to be sent, this is passed in and is created
-- inside of the main action.
-- @param response Packet response that was received from S7 host.
-- @param output Table used for output for return to Nmap
local function second_parse_response(response, output)
local offset = 0
-- unpack the protocol ID
local pos, value = bin.unpack("C", response, 8)
-- unpack the second byte of the SZL-ID
local pos, szl_id = bin.unpack("C", response, 31)
-- if the protocol ID is 0x32
if (value == 0x32) then
-- if the szl-ID is not 0x1c
if( szl_id ~= 0x1c ) then
-- change offset to 4, this is where most ov valid PLCs will fall
offset = 4
-- parse system name
pos, output["System Name"] = bin.unpack("z", response, 40 + offset)
-- parse module type
pos, output["Module Type"] = bin.unpack("z", response, 74 + offset)
-- parse serial number
pos, output["Serial Number"] = bin.unpack("z", response, 176 + offset)
-- parse plant identification
pos, output["Plant Identification"] = bin.unpack("z", response, 108 + offset)
-- parse copyright
pos, output["Copyright"] = bin.unpack("z", response, 142 + offset)

-- for each element in the table, if it is nil, then remove the information from the table
for key, value in pairs(output) do
if(string.len(output[key]) == 0) then
output[key] = nil
-- return output
return output
return nil
-- Function to set the nmap output for the host, if a valid S7COMM packet
-- is received then the output will show that the port is open
-- and change the output to reflect an S7 PLC
-- @param host Host that was passed in via nmap
-- @param port port that S7COMM is running on
local function set_nmap(host, port)
--set port Open
port.state = "open"
-- set that detected an Siemens S7 = "iso-tsap"
port.version.devicetype = "specialized"
port.version.product = "Siemens S7 PLC"
nmap.set_port_version(host, port)
nmap.set_port_state(host, port, "open")

-- Action Function that is used to run the NSE. This function will send the initial query to the
-- host and port that were passed in via nmap. The initial response is parsed to determine if host
-- is a S7COMM device. If it is then more actions are taken to gather extra information.
-- @param host Host that was scanned via nmap
-- @param port port that was scanned via nmap
action = function(host, port)
-- COTP packet with a dst of 102
local COTP = bin.pack("H", "0300001611e00000001400c1020100c2020" .. "102" .. "c0010a")
-- COTP packet with a dst of 200
local alt_COTP = bin.pack("H", "0300001611e00000000500c1020100c2020" .. "200" .. "c0010a")
-- setup the ROSCTR Packet
local ROSCTR_Setup = bin.pack("H", "0300001902f08032010000000000080000f0000001000101e0")
-- setup the Read SZL information packet
local Read_SZL = bin.pack("H", "0300002102f080320700000000000800080001120411440100ff09000400110001")
-- setup the first SZL request (gather the basic hardware and version number)
local first_SZL_Request = bin.pack("H", "0300002102f080320700000000000800080001120411440100ff09000400110001")
-- setup the second SZL request
local second_SZL_Request = bin.pack("H", "0300002102f080320700000000000800080001120411440100ff090004001c0001")
-- response is used to collect the packet responses
local response
-- output table for Nmap
local output = stdnse.output_table()
-- create socket for communications
local sock = nmap.new_socket()
-- connect to host
local constatus, conerr = sock:connect(host, port)
if not constatus then
'Error establishing connection for %s - %s', host, conerr
return nil
-- send and receive the COTP Packet
response = send_receive(sock, COTP)
-- unpack the PDU Type
local pos, CC_connect_confirm = bin.unpack("C", response, 6)
-- if PDU type is not 0xd0, then not a successful COTP connection
if ( CC_connect_confirm ~= 0xd0) then
return nil
-- send and receive the ROSCTR Setup Packet
response = send_receive(sock, ROSCTR_Setup)
-- unpack the protocol ID
local pos, protocol_id = bin.unpack("C", response, 8)
-- if protocol ID is not 0x32 then return nil
if ( protocol_id ~= 0x32) then
return nil
-- send and receive the READ_SZL packet
response = send_receive(sock, Read_SZL)
local pos, protocol_id = bin.unpack("C", response, 8)
-- if protocol ID is not 0x32 then return nil
if ( protocol_id ~= 0x32) then
return nil
-- send and receive the first SZL Request packet
response = send_receive(sock, first_SZL_Request)
-- parse the response for basic hardware information
output = parse_response(response, host, port, output)
-- send and receive the second SZL Request packet
response = send_receive(sock, second_SZL_Request)
-- parse the response for more information
output = second_parse_response(response, output)
-- if nothing was parsed from the previous two responses
if(output == nil) then
-- re initialize the table
output = stdnse.output_table()
-- re connect to the device ( a RST packet was sent in the previous attempts)
local constatus, conerr = sock:connect(host, port)
if not constatus then
'Error establishing connection for %s - %s', host, conerr
return nil
-- send and receive the alternate COTP Packet, the dst is 200 instead of 102( do nothing with result)
response = send_receive(sock, alt_COTP)
local pos, CC_connect_confirm = bin.unpack("C", response, 6)
-- if PDU type is not 0xd0, then not a successful COTP connection
if ( CC_connect_confirm ~= 0xd0) then
stdnse.print_debug(1, "Not a successful COTP Packet")
return nil
-- send and receive the packets as before.
response = send_receive(sock, ROSCTR_Setup)
-- unpack the protocol ID
local pos, protocol_id = bin.unpack("C", response, 8)
-- if protocol ID is not 0x32 then return nil
if ( protocol_id ~= 0x32) then
stdnse.print_debug(1, "Not a successful S7COMM Packet")
return nil
response = send_receive(sock, Read_SZL)
-- unpack the protocol ID
local pos, protocol_id = bin.unpack("C", response, 8)
-- if protocol ID is not 0x32 then return nil
if ( protocol_id ~= 0x32) then
stdnse.print_debug(1, "Not a successful S7COMM Packet")
return nil
response = send_receive(sock, first_SZL_Request)
output = parse_response(response, host, port, "ONE", output)
response = send_receive(sock, second_SZL_Request)
output = parse_response(response, host, port, "TWO", output)
-- close the socket

-- If we parsed anything, then set the version info for Nmap
if #output > 0 then
set_nmap(host, port)
-- return output to Nmap
return output


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