Source codes and data files from the Introduction to Fortran training course plus some extra bits.
Files with .f95
extension are modernised and compile with
gfortran -std=f95 -ffree-form -fimplicit-none \
-Werror -Wall -Wconversion -Wimplicit-interface \
unless specified otherwise in the source code.
The MIT License (MIT).
Cloned from:
May 9, 2017
NOTE: These programs have been tested on both Mac OS X 10.12.14 using home brew and Debian Linux 8.7 Jessie (running on an ARM8 BeagleBone Black BBB Rev C SBC)
Here is the process for compliling and running a simple "Hello World" program:
debian@beaglebone:~/gfortran95$ gfortran -ffree-form -o hello hello.f
debian@beaglebone:~/gfortran95$ ./hello
Hello World!