Probabilistic Morris Counter (counts 2^n using e.g. just a byte)
Probabilistically updating counter, uses a tiny amount of RAM (1 byte by default in this implementation) to count to 2^2^bits (2^2^8 == 1e77)
The constructor will take other type codes (e.g. b'I' for 4 bytes on 64 bit systems).
The counter uses array.array
so it can hold a large set of counters, see second example below.
import morris_counter
mc = morris_counter.MorrisCounter()
print mc.get() # 1
print mc.get() # 2
print mc.get() # 4 or maybe still 2
print mc.get() # 4 or maybe still 2 or maybe higher
print mc.get() # 8 (or 2 or 4 or more)
_ = [mc.add() for n in xrange(1000)] # add another 1000
print mc.get() # 1024 (or more or less by a power of 2, but roughly 1024)
mc = morris_counter.MorrisCounter()
mc.add() # add to 0th counter
mc.add(1) # add to 1st counter
print mc.get(1) # get from 1st counter
_ = [mc.add(1) for n in xrange(100000)] # add 100,000
print mc.get(1) # 65536 (or greater/lesser by powers of 2)
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$ nosetests
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