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Releases: iandol/bookends-tools

V1.3.9 — allow [shift]+[control] to copy the bookends:// link of the referrence

13 Oct 14:05
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V1.3.9 — allow shift+control to copy the bookends:// link as text in becite, betitle and beall

Full Changelog: V1.3.7...V1.3.9

Open PDF directly from becite and friends

13 Jul 11:40
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becite/betitle/beall/bebib: allow ⌘⌥ [command][option] to open an attached PDF directly.

Ensure bebib can output plain text with citeUsesRTF=false Alfred variable

13 Jul 02:12
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  • bebib: make sure this tool uses the citeUsesRTF Alfred environment variable so you can choose RTF or plain text output.
  • There is also a new tool, beconvert, which is only useful if you want to convert author-date formatted citations in e.g. Word (like (Barlow et al., 1963)) to temp bibtex key intext citations. This really depends on your BibTeX keys also conforming to [authordate], it will not work for other cases. It does check if the key exists in the bookends database, and if there are multiple possible keys (like barlow1963 / barlow1963a / barlow1963b) they will all be pasted in and you must select which is appropriate.

Choose a Custom BibTeX Format for Smaller Exports

21 Sep 08:53
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betobibtex: Add a workflow variable customExportFormat which allows you to specify a customised BibTeX formatter, default is the builtin BibTeX.fmt, but for example you can make a modified format removing address and abstract that makes export faster and the resultant files much smaller. You can find my BibTeX-Minimal.fmt here: — download it and add it to your Bookends custom format folder, then set customExportFormat to the same name as this format, and this will be used. I suspect technically you can even specify any format, even non-BibTeX ones so could use this setting to hack exports to RIS etc.

More Reliable Quick Add

19 Aug 08:38
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A few releases back (~V13.2), Bookends added a dedicated Quick Add[1] Applescript command. I couldn't get it to work in the background at the time and continued to use GUI scripting. Thanks to a hint from @bcdavasconcelos I realised it was a problem in my code, and this works fine in the background, so I upgraded bequickadd to use this more efficient and reliable command method.

Also fixing #8 for betobibtex, if there is an error when pandoc-citeproc tries to convert the BibTeX to JSON, the user will be warned with a display notification and the BibTeX will not be deleted so the user can check it.

[1] Quick add is the very nice feature when you can select a DOI/PMID/etc. number in any app (e.g. your browser, or PDF reader) and quickly add it to your bookends database without disrupting your workflow...

Improvements for bescopus Scopus search tool

21 May 03:23
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  • Update the applescript interface used to control Bookends to use the new events system that is faster.
  • Better error checking when fetching the scopus API data, and working round an annoying Ruby error when the system proxy is set,
  • Added a new environment variable scopusBaseURL to specify a replacement base url prefix, if for e.g. you access Scopus through a proxy. For example, the default address is but my institution accesses through so I set that and URLs get rewritten to use the new base URL.

Fix toOPML script

13 May 00:28
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Small fix for betoopml

Small tweak to refocus rather than "hide"…

04 Feb 09:38
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1.3.1 — bequick: don't "hide" bookends, rather refocus previous app…

Hide Bookends after triggering bequick

01 Feb 04:40
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bequick: small tweak to hide bookends after triggering "quick-add", giving focus back to your browser.

Configurable Default Style for Temporary citations

02 Aug 10:20
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  • I've added a new workflow variable tempCitationStyle that sets the default (pressing return directly) temporary citation format for becite / betitle / beall. When unset it will be the default Bookends standard {author,year,#id}, but you can set the variable to Pandoc / MMD / LaTeX to paste the citation in a different format ([@key] / [#key] / \\cite[]{key}). This adds more possible formats than is possible with using the key modifiers (which are still available if you use them).
  • Also if the authors field is empty for a reference, we now try to use editor names instead in the Alfred results list.