This library provides continuation-based lazy sequences for Erlang. The purpose of this library is provide a simple way to process sequences of data lazily and in a compositional fashion. To achieve that goal, seq have a simple definition, so that sequential data can easily be boxed inside of a seq. Helper methods exist to get the first, the rest, and to cons onto a seq. Further, once boxed inside a seq there are many seq to seq operations that allow for lazy, compositional processing. These operations include map, filter, take, fold, and zip. Additionally, to_list is defined if the sequence must be immediately materialized. Finally, from_list and series are provided as examples of how one might construct a seq.
A seq is defined as a 3-tuple containing the atom seq
, a continuation
returning the first value, and a continuation returning either a seq
with the rest of the sequence or the atom undefined
to signify the end
of the sequence.
It is simple to create seq in your application. To read a file line by line using a seq, one might be the follow:
-spec file_line_seq(iolist()) -> seq:seq() | undefined.
%% @doc Creates a seq out of a file with each line of the file as it's elements.
file_line_seq(IO) ->
case file:read_line(IO) of
{ ok, Data } ->
fun() -> Data end,
fun() -> file_line_seq(IO) end
eof -> undefined
Then the file could be consumed as so:
process_lines(FileName) ->
{ ok, IO } = file:open(FileName, [read, raw, { read_ahead, 512 }]),
Seq = file_line_seq(IO),
seq:fold(fun(Data, Count) ->
spawn(fun() -> process_line(Data) end),
Count + 1
end, 0, Seq).
If one wanted to express a series as a seq, one would do the following:
-spec series(integer(), integer()) -> seq(integer()).
series(Start, Interval) ->
fun() -> Start end,
fun() -> series(Start + Interval, Interval) end