First you should install Intel SGX and start the service aesmd.service
, then following these commands:
$ git clone
$ make
$ ./app
Expected output of this program:
$ ./app
THRESHOLD: 169, AVG_HIT: 64.13, AVG_MISS: 380.31.
reading secret at 0x7ffeed2dd93f.. best: 0x73(s), score: 100/100.
reading secret at 0x7ffeed2dd940.. best: 0x65(e), score: 100/100.
reading secret at 0x7ffeed2dd951.. best: 0x73(s), score: 100/100.
reading secret at 0x7ffeed2dd952.. best: 0x2e(.), score: 100/100.
void ecall_leak_byte(char *shared_array, int i) {
junk &= shared_array[secrets[i] * 4096];
// flush
// ecall
ecall_leak_byte(global_eid, shared, size);
// reload
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
int mix_i = ((i * 167) + 13) & 255;
uint64_t time1 = __rdtsc();
junk &= shared[mix_i * 4096];
uint64_t time2 = __rdtsc();
uint64_t time = time2 - time1;
if (time < THRESHOLD) {
The sender: defined in trusted code Enclave.cpp
The receiver: defined in trusted code App.cpp
- R: Flush the shared array
with_mm_clflush(&shared[i * 4096]);
. - R: Trigger the sender to encode the secret.
- S: Encode the secret through shared array
junk &= shared_array[secrets[i] * 4096];
. - R: Reload the shared array to decode data.