OAP - Optimized Analytics Package (previously known as Spinach) is designed to accelerate Ad-hoc query. OAP defines a new parquet-like columnar storage data format and offering a fine-grained hierarchical cache mechanism in the unit of “Fiber” in memory. What’s more, OAP has extended the Spark SQL DDL to allow user to define the customized indices based on relation.
mvn -DskipTests package
You should have Apache Spark of version 2.0.2 installed in your cluster. Refer to Apache Spark's documents for details.
- Build OAP,
mvn -DskipTests package
and findoap-<version>.jar
- Deploy
to master machine. - Put below configurations to $SPARK_HOME/conf/spark-defaults.conf
spark.files file:///path/to/oap-dir/oap-<version>.jar
spark.executor.extraClassPath ./oap-<version>.jar
spark.driver.extraClassPath /path/to/oap-dir/oap-0.2.0.jar
- Run spark by
and try our examples
NOTE: For spark standalone mode, you have to put oap-<version>.jar
to both driver and executor since spark.files
is not working. Also don't forget to update extraClassPath
> spark.sql(s"""CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE oap_test (a INT, b STRING)
| USING oap
| OPTIONS (path 'hdfs:///oap-data-dir/')""".stripMargin)
> val data = (1 to 300).map { i => (i, s"this is test $i") }.toDF().createOrReplaceTempView("t")
> spark.sql("insert overwrite table oap_test select * from t")
> spark.sql("create oindex index1 on oap_test (a)")
> spark.sql("show oindex from oap_test")
> spark.sql("SELECT * FROM oap_test WHERE a = 1").show()
> spark.sql("drop oindex index on oap_test")
For a more detailed examples with performance compare, you can refer to this page for further instructions.
To run all the tests, use
mvn test
If you want to run any specific test suite, for example OapDDLSuite
, use
mvn -DwildcardSuites=org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.oap.OapDDLSuite test
- Index - BTREE, BITMAP Index is an optimization that is widely used in traditional databases. We are adopting 2 most used index types in OAP project. BTREE index(default in 0.2.0) is intended for datasets that has a lot of distinct values, and distributed randomly, such as telephone number or ID number. BitMap index is intended for datasets with a limited total amount of distinct values, such as state or age.
- Statistics - MinMax, Bloom Filter Sometimes, reading index could bring extra cost for some queries, for example if we have to read all the data after all since there's no valid filter. OAP will automatically write some statistic data to index files, depending on what type of index you are using. With statistics, we can make sure we only use index if we can possibly boost the execution.
- Fine-grained cache OAP format data file consists of several row groups. For each row group, we have many different columns according to user defined table schema. Each column data in one row is called a "Fiber", we are using this as the minimum cache unit.
- Parquet Data Adaptor Parquet is the most popular and recommended data format in Spark open-source community. Since a lot of potential users are now using Parquet storing their data, it would be expensive for them to shift their existing data to OAP. So we designed the compatible layer to allow user to create index directly on top of parquet data. With the Parquet reader we implemented, query over indexed Parquet data is also accelerated, though not as much as OAP.
Parquet Support - Enable OAP support for parquet files
- Default: true
- Usage:
sqlContext.conf.setConfString(SQLConf.OAP_PARQUET_ENABLED.key, "false")
Fiber Cache Size - Total Memory size to cache Fiber. Unit: KB
- Default:
spark.executor.memory * 0.3
- Usage:
sqlContext.conf.setConfString(SQLConf.OAP_FIBERCACHE_SIZE.key, s"{100 * 1024 * 1024}")
Full Scan Threshold - If the analysis result is above this threshold, it will go through the whole data file instead of read index data.
- Default: 0.8
- Usage:
sqlContext.conf.setConfString(SQLConf.OAP_FULL_SCAN_THRESHOLD.key, "0.8")
Row Group Size - Row count for each row group
- Default: 1048576
- Usage1:
sqlContext.conf.setConfString(SQLConf.OAP_ROW_GROUP_SIZE.key, "1025")
- Usage2:
CREATE TABLE t USING oap OPTIONS ('rowgroup' '1024')
Compression Codec - Choose compression type for OAP data files.
- Default: GZIP
- Usage1:
sqlContext.conf.setConfString(SQLConf.OAP_COMPRESSION.key, "SNAPPY")
- Usage2:
Refer to OAP User guide for more details.
If you are looking for some ideas on what to contribute, check out GitHub issues for this project labeled "Pick me up!". Comment on the issue with your questions and ideas.
We tend to do fairly close readings of pull requests, and you may get a lot of comments. Some common issues that are not code structure related, but still important:
- Please make sure to add the license headers to all new files. You can do this automatically by using the
mvn license:format
command. - Use 2 spaces for whitespace. Not tabs, not 4 spaces. The number of the spacing shall be 2.
- Give your operators some room. Not
buta + b
and notdef foo(a:Int,b:Int):Int
butdef foo(a: Int, b: Int): Int
. - Generally speaking, stick to the Scala Style Guide
- Make sure tests pass!