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frusen edited this page Mar 4, 2012 · 15 revisions

Not releasing versions of Dawn like this at the moment...

Dawn 0.0.46

Released Friday May 13, 2011

  • Castbar is now always centered at all resolutions.
  • New quest 'Venomous Veins' available.
  • New NPC graphics added.

Dawn 0.0.45

Released Friday April 22, 2011

  • NPCs now uses an A-* pathfinding algorithm. It is very experimental in this stage, so if you discover any issues with it please let us know.
  • Bugfix: Saving / loading games will no longer crash when having an active quest.
  • Bugfix: Quests should now be restored when loading a game once again.

Dawn 0.0.44

Released Sunday April 10, 2011

  • Resolutions configurable in options menu
  • Startup even when bad resolution is configured
  • Improved quest-system on scripting level

Dawn 0.0.43

Released Sunday Mars 27, 2011

  • Adding new menu system. Only the basic system is there.
  • Ability to switch between fullscreen and windowed mode from the options menu.
  • New game and quit added to the base menu.
  • Increasing the loot distance.

Dawn 0.0.42

Released Friday March 11, 2011

  • New content to the west of Arinox.
  • No quests yet, but plenty of new spider mobs to fight against.
  • New mob - Spiderlings. Based on the spider graphics, but smaller and green-ish.
  • Rake Fleetwood (general goods, weapons etc) now reside inside the General goods shop in Arinox.
  • Added Mages guild house to Arinox, mages are still outside for now.
  • Adjusting the health of Spiderbase down to 270.
  • Adding new spell for the Sylphir webweavers - Venomweave.
  • Dealing damage over time and has a chance to stun the player for 5 seconds.
  • Adding new spell for the Sylphir spiderlings - Sylphiric acid.
  • Deals direct damage and has a chance to fear the player for 4 seconds.
  • Adding new LUA function to set experience value of the NPC.
  • Setting experience value for all NPCs (mobs) instead of basing the experience on health / 10.
  • Spellchange: Might of the titan now belongs to the Warrior.
  • Spellchange: Leatherskin now belongs to the Ranger.
  • Bugfix: Game will no longer crash when entering the level editor.
  • Bugfix: Now displaying correct position in the editor in the topleft corner. ;)
  • Bugfix: Specific CharacterStates (stunned, feared, etc) was drawn in the buffwindow as 'good'.
  • Bugfix: Progress bar is always centered on screen in horizontal direction.
  • Bugfix: Actionbar doesn't display spells as castable when having a friendly NPC in target.
  • Bugfix: Fixed the specific coordinates for the AoE spell.
  • Bugfix: If targeting mode for an AoE-spell is activated the spell is cast on position even if a target is selected.
  • Bugfix: Healing / damage displayed at the portrait now follows when player moves.

###Dawn 0.0.41 Released Friday February 25, 2011

  • Spell Inferno now cost 75 mana instead of 10.
  • Adding new Cloth head from our artist Nina Olsson.
  • Leynor's Cap added to the vendor in Arinox.
  • Custom resolution in Dawn.
  • Edit the settings.lua-file to change resolution.This will later on be handled inside the game options menu.
  • Adding stackable items to Dawn. Items can now stack if they are configured with setMaxStackSize() in itemdatabase.lua.
  • Adding art from Ryzom project for quest / generic items.
  • Reduced wander radius and changed position of Ornad Saidor so he can not collide with player coming out of dungeon.
  • Added walking range for NPCs in editor to determine possible problems.
  • Adding world position (x + y) in the top left corner when in editor mode.
  • A new file is added for each zone called <zonename>.init.lua. This is where the zone is now initiated.
  • NPCs can be added in the editor now. Press F1 past the collisionboxes and you will be able to place NPCs in the game, using the same technique as before (ENTER to place).
  • Deleting NPCs work the same way. Point the mouse over the NPC and press [DELETE] and it will be erased from the zone.
  • Moving NPCs work the same way as moving objects. Click on the NPC and move with the arrow-keys on the keyboard.
  • NPCs will by default have 180 seconds respawn, have respawn set as default and be HOSTILE (!). This is because I think that normally adding NPCs we want them to be hostile towards us. You can simply change this later in the spawnpoint-file to whatever attitude you want them to have. You can also name the NPCs in that file using curNPC:setName(".....").
  • Saving the zone will also save the NPCs that are added to the zone. NOTICE! It will not write the NPCs that are quest givers, shopkeepers, quest monsters,etc.. Just the normal generic NPCs. So your questmobs or vendors etc, will still have to go into the quest/init-lua file.
  • Bugfix: Spells can now be dropped onto the actionbar again from the spellbook.
  • Bugfix: Able to drag AoE spells away from the actionbar now.
  • Bugfix: FRIENDLY characters should not able to take damage from the player anymore.
  • Bugfix: Fixed a crash in dawn when one of the last initial spells was dragged from the actionbar.
  • Bugfix: Spells learned (higher ranks) will now be correctly loaded when loading a savegame.
  • Bugfix: Fixed a small editor bug that caused an abort when LEFT-clicking on nothing in shadow-mode
  • Bugfix: When deleting a tile in the editor, no selection of a new tile will be made so that a tile was accidentally moved when trying to move the editor.
  • Bugfix: Fixed adjacency list scrolling problem when scrolling below 0.
  • Bugfix: We now check for existence of the savegame.lua file before trying to load. Also indicating if there is a game to load in the menu by drawing the 'Load game'. Menu item is red / grey when no game is available for loading.
  • Bugfix: When loading a game having a two-handed weapon equipped (in the savefile) game will no longer crash.

###Dawn 0.0.40 Released Saturday February 12, 2011

  • Fixed bug where mobs dying (taking damage) could give experience more than once.Now we reward experience when the mob dies instead of when the spell is dealing damage.
  • Added a background-theme for dungeons (from
  • Level editor now also draws the interaction regions (with text) if in collision view.
  • Adding new symbols for magic missile and electrocute from /content/painterly-spell-icons-part-2.
  • Fixed hexmaster quest exit point when leaving labratory. Before the player was then stuck in a wall on the dungeon ground.
  • Spells in the actionbar are no longer darker when having a target and being out of range if they are self affecting spells.
  • Adding a new loading screen which chooses concept art at random. For now we only have one piece finished (Silver forest).
  • AoE (Area of Effect) spells in Dawn! Liche now has a spell called Inferno, dealing damage to several enemies.

Dawn 0.0.39

Released Sunday January 30, 2011

  • Fixing screenshot bug, causing upper and lower lines to be rendered incorrectly.
  • Using white text in the LogWindow instead of red, easier to see.
  • Screenshots now generate a message in the logwindow when taken.
  • Life regen is now called Health regen in the character info screen.
  • Adding a new portrait info screen displaying health, mana, fatigue, experience, level and a character portrait. Thanks to Jorge E. Avila ( for the art.
  • Adding portraits for Warrior, Ranger and Liche taken from /content/adonthell-portraits.
  • Correcting a bug where the Wizard NPC was without class.

Dawn 0.0.38

Released Friday January 7, 2011

  • Fixed some compiler complaints, comparing signed and unsigned values.
  • We can now add sound to spells in LUA.
  • setSoundSpellCasting( soundFile ) - is played at spell casting.
  • setSoundSpellStart( soundFile ) - is played at spell start.
  • setSoundSpellHit( soundFile ) - is played once the spell hits the target.
  • Cleaning up some whitespace / tab issues in the source files.
  • New spell for wolf and spider to use as melee (so they won't use the warrior melee sound).
  • Several spells has some new sound effect. Much more to add.. ;)
  • Fixed bug where the arinox dungeon would allow saving in the dungeon.
  • Possible to stop sound playback now in SoundEngine::stopSound( std::string soundFile).
  • Adding trigger spells to items.
  • Adding display of these triggered spells to the item tooltip, displaying them in orange.
  • Wielding the Gnollshield will grand the player a 5% chance to cast Steelgrip when taking damage.
  • Wielding the Dagger of flowing thought will grand the player a 10% chance to cast Flowing thought when casting spells.

Dawn 0.0.37

Released Sunday December 26, 2010

  • Fixing distance calculation bug of the interactiopoints, so that players can enter the lower dungeons of Arinox.
  • Bugfix for game crashing when clicking on empty actionslot.
  • Adding message to the LogWindow when a player try to loot item but the inventory is full.
  • Fixing an equip bug causing two-handed items to be reported as equipped twice when saving a game.
  • Fixing an load game bug for the ranger (or any class having a spell with a ' character in it).
  • Fixed bug where you could channel a spell (drinking for example) but still cast other spells.
  • Fixing bug with experience not calculated correctly after loading a saved game.
  • Adding correct reference to healing and heal others along with new phantom-strike.
  • Fixed so that when loading a saved game, the correct coins are given to the player.
  • Adding symbol for the phantom-strike spell from /painterly-spell-icons-part-1
  • top aligning tooltip-text for small tooltips. Now the title of the tooltip is being drawn in the middle of the tooltip (on the Y-axis)
  • Adding Armor Type restrictions to classes.
  • Liche can only wear cloth.
  • Ranger cloth + leather.
  • Warrior cloth, leather, mail and plate.
  • Adding a leather belt that actually looks like a belt. ;) Render taken from
  • Adding experience to quests. In LUA: DawnInterface.giveExpToPlayer( amount ); 'Hide and Seek' rewards 150 experience upon completion.
  • Fixing bug causing two-handed weapons to disappear when removing another equipped item.
  • Fixing bug causing inventory screens currency text not being displayed when moving to a negative Y and X position.

Dawn 0.0.36

Released Friday December 10, 2010

Dawn 0.0.34

Released Saturday November 13, 2010

  • New editor! A new function is added to the editor. Pressing M will toggle a new mode of the editor allowing easier placement of tiles.
  • Add a new tile and then click on it. You will be given options of several other tiles to add. Click on the tile you wish to add.
  • A lot more improvements will be added to the editor in future releases.
  • Spells can now be given required weapons. You can add several weapons.
  • In LUA do: curSpell:addRequiredWeapon( WeaponType.ONEHAND_SWORD ); to add onehanded swords as a requirement for the spell. You can keep adding weapons this way.
  • Tooltips now display what required weapons a spell has.
  • ActionBar now disables buttons (spells) which does not meet the equipped weapons requirement.
  • Fixed bug that made spell charges on scrolls or potions be reduced when using the item while being incapacitated (stunned, charmed, etc).
  • Adding new art from Pages of Adventur ( Apple, Spellbook
  • Adding new item; Moldy tome. Off-hand spellbook with some nice stats for Liches.
  • Spell 'Shield bash' now requires player to wear a shield.
  • Spell 'Shoot' now requires player to wear a bow, crossbow or slingshot. Still only useable for ranger class (which is not playable yet).
  • Spell 'Lunge' requires player to wear a one-handed sword.

Dawn 0.0.33

Released Friday October 29, 2010

  • [Linux] Bugfix in the configure script. Solving issues with linking Dawn on Chakra systems and perhaps also Arch Linux.
  • Adding a waterpouch image.
  • Adding drink spell. Increases mana regen by 15 while drinking.
  • Adding a bow item to the game, Weakened bow.
  • Skeleton archer has a 25% chance to drop the Weakened bow.
  • Reducing some of the stats for the spider, making it easier to kill.
  • Reducing venom spit damage that the spider uses.

Dawn 0.0.32

Released Saturday October 16, 2010

  • Now you don't have to drag spells to the actionbar for a a while! Spells are automatically dropped down there when starting the game.In the future this will be used when creating a new character which will have 2-4 starting spells.
  • Adding loading-screen music. From
  • Tuning the soundoptions a bit. Increased the total number of available channels for sound playback.Previously we could run out of channels if you used all your hack and slash talents at the same time in rare situations.

Dawn 0.0.31

Released Friday September 24, 2010

  • MUSIC AND SOUND! Dawn now has a lovely song playing in the background. We have also added a few interface sounds and sound effects for one spell so far (melee).
  • Removing Link from the game and adding two new characters instead.
  • Fixed bugs causing the game to crash when loading a saved game.
  • Fixed so that all items are drawn correctly in the inventory slots.

Dawn 0.0.30

Released Friday September 10, 2010

  • A very annoying bug has finally met his maker. The font text in Dawn will no longer display strange pixel artifacts. ;)

  • HUGE increase of performance when loading the textures!

  • Characterstates :- Something we call characterstates have been added to Dawn. This opens up a whole new way for creating spells and effects. These states can be bound to spells, affecting the character in different ways:

    • Invisible (can walk around undetected by hostile NPCs.For more info. see seeInvisible)
    • Stealth (can walk around undetected by hostile NPCs. Walking too close to NPCs will make them see through this. Also walks slower while sneaking. See SeeSneaking for more info )
    • Stunned (unable to move or perform any spell / actions)
    • Feared (fleeing at a random direction, unable to perform any spell / actions. 20% chance to break free from fear when taking damage )
    • Mesmerized (same as stunned, but taking damage removes the effect)
    • Movementspeed (alters the movementspeed of the character. Both positive and negative effects can be used. )
    • Charmed (not yet added, but will eventually allow characters or NPCs to charm and be charmed, taking control of the other character )
    • Confused (35% more time to cast spells and 20% more mana/fatigue cost.)
    • Channeling (a state which the character is channeling the spell. Moving or taking damage will abort the spell )
    • SeeInvisible ( ability to see through invisible )
    • SeeSneaking ( ability to see through sneaking )
  • Two new spells have been added to display some of these effects. More are incoming.

  • Shield Bash for Warrior. Dealing 120% weapon damage and stuns the target for 3 seconds.

  • Terrify for Liche. Dealing 20-30 dark magic damage and causing fear for 4 seconds. When fear is finished, target is debuffed with -10 resist dark magic.

  • A new item to display the effect of Channeling: Food.

  • Apple is added. Restores health when eating. Will add drinks that restore mana once we have some graphics for it.

  • Added graphics for the shield bash, terrify and all characterstates.

  • Adding required level to spells (potions, scrolls, books).

  • Tooltips for spells (potions, scrolls, books) now display if class requirements aren't met.

  • Items can no longer be used if the class requirements aren't met.

  • Adding message in LogWindow when memorizing spells.

  • Adding ranks to spells.

  • Tooltips of spell scrolls ( learning new spells ) now display the rank of the spell.

  • Tooltips now display if the spell is already learned at the rank or higher rank. Now unable to learn spells if the spell is already learned or a higher rank is already learned.

  • Tooltip of spells now display the rank of the learned spell.

  • Logwindow now also displays the rank of the spell inscribed.

  • Created new rank of magic missile spell (rank 2).

  • Created new rank of leatherskin (rank 2) and added it to the shopkeeper in Arinox.

  • Adding bow item image (currently not in use by an item)

  • Changed default starting player level to 1.

  • Changed key for groundloot-view on non-Windows to CTRL instead of ALT because ALT+click has a different meaning at least in some window managers on Linux.

  • Reduced collision regions for humans (warrior + wizard)

  • Adding dying animations to our NPCs and characters.

  • Adding tooltips to the buffwindow. We can now see the spell details of an active spell by hovering over it with the mouse.

  • NPC agro (when NPCs start attacking) is now based on if the spell is hostile, rather than if the NPC is taking damage).

  • Ability to remove friendly active spells by right-clicking on them in the buffwindow.

  • Bugfix causing selected spell in the spellbook, when switching pages, to be transfered to the next page. Not as the old floating spell but as another spell on that page.

  • Bugfix for Actionbar not displaying time left on cooldown when target is out of range.

  • Bugfix for LogWindow. Ttems that were picked up and returned in the shop window to generate a sold message in the LogWindow.

  • Bugfix for Inventory. Two-handed weapons switch in inventory would create duplicate items.

  • Bugfix for Shopwindow. Item tooltips not displaying the value of the item.

  • Bugfix for Tooltips. Item tooltips were not included in the dynamic value mappings. Example %minDirectHealing% wouldn't be translated in the items tooltip, only in the spells tooltip.

Dawn 0.0.29

Released Thursday July 22, 2010

  • Revamped the User Interface a little bit. Moved the actionbar and castbar to allow room for the new LogWindow.
  • Adding a LogWindow to display messages in game.
  • Combat damage is not being displayed for now, will add that later.
  • These events currently triggers a message to the LogWindow:
    • Receiving items from quests.
    • Accepting, updating or completing a quest.
    • When looting and shopping.
    • Level up, experience gains.
    • A greeting once you enter the game. ;)
  • New UI frame when having an NPC in target. We can see the active buffs, debuffs of the target. We also see a castbar if the NPC is currently casting anything.
  • Inventory frame changed. So when equipping a two-handed weapon we wont be able to equip an offhand item aswell.
  • Adding regeneration of life, mana and fatigue to the NPC. Apparently they weren't getting any. ;)
  • New NPC - skeleton archer.
  • Ranged class and spells added. So far only the Skeleton Archer has access to the class Ranger and it's spells.
  • Several bugfixes.
  • Various graphics redone / added.

###Dawn 0.0.28 Release Thursday July 8, 2010

  • Added the fatigue system to Dawn.

  • Added reduced damage for fighter classes based on current fatigue.

  • The actionbar now goes dark if player doesnt have enough fatigue.

  • Reworked the graphics for the life, mana and fatigue.

  • When playing Warrior fatigue will be shown instead of mana.

  • Fatigue is now drawn in three colors.

    • Green = Below 33% fatigue usage.
    • Yellow = Between 34% and 66%.
    • Red = Above 67%.
  • Added classes to Dawn. Liche and Warrior.

  • Class name now displayed correctly in infoscreen

  • We can now display the actual damage or healing done by a spell in the tooltip. The damage displayed is based on your damagebonus, spellbonus, strength, intellect and so on.

  • Added a more advanced spellcasting for NPCs.

  • NPCs now check for mana, range and cooldown before trying to cast.

  • Debuffs are added to the game.

  • The buffwindow now display a red border if the spell is a de-buff or a harmfull spell.

  • Added new spell and debuff for the wolf.

  • Rabid bite is a simple melee attack with 150% damage bonus.

  • It also has a 5% chance to affect the target with rabies.

  • Rabies reduces health regen with -25 and vitality -10.

  • Adding a new frame for class choice which is displayed before loading game data.

  • Player chooses between Liche and Warrior.

  • Players max fatigue is now displayed in the character info screen if the player archtype is fighter.

  • Spells now has a class requirement.

  • You can no longer inscribe spells that doesn't belong to you.

  • Added a description to phantom strike.

  • Added a new attack for the warrior:

  • Lunge - a defensive strike (from fencing) adding parry chance 15%~ for 6 seconds after the strike.

  • Phantom Strike - Heavy damage skill dealing 400% melee damage.

  • Bandage - Healing over time spell for the Warrior.

  • A melee skill is also added, requires no mana or fatigue. Does 100% weapondamage and available for every class.

  • Removed spellcost from Laying of Hands spell.

  • Laying of Hands is only available to the Warrior.

  • Rest of the spells is only available to the Liche.

  • Tooltip now display fatigue or mana-cost, if any. Fatigue is displayed as yellow. Added spells to NPCs and allow them to use spells.

  • Added range to spells.

  • Range check is now also added when casting spells and in the actionbar. Actionbar darkens the icons of spells which is out of range or out of mana. (Same as when on cooldown).

###Dawn 0.0.27 Released Monday June 21, 2010

  • New quest added. Check out northern part of the town.
  • New character graphics added.

Dawn 0.0.26

Released Saturday June 5, 2010

  • Level editor no longer exits the game if pressing ESC.
  • Deleting a tile in the level editor no longer renders that tile unusable in the future. ;)

Dawn 0.0.25

Released Friday May 21, 2010

  • Adding a forgotten stat: "Parry". For now a parry will render an attack ineffective.
  • Mana regen and health regen added to tooltips.
  • New item graphics added from Ryzom (
  • A boot, dagger and necklace to display the manaRegen, healthRegen. Also the shield has got some parry rating.
  • Holding Left Shift in the inventory now compares the item to the equipped item (if any). Same as the system in the shop.

Dawn 0.0.24

Released Friday May 7, 2010

  • Frames are now more dynamic. You can move most of the frames around click-draging the titlebar of the frame.
  • Closing the frame is done (if possible) by clicking on the red cross in the top right corner of the frame.
  • New spellbook added to work with these new frames.
  • Spellname is now centered under the spell icon in the Spellbook.
  • Spellname is colored dark red, makes it easier to see towards the background.
  • Tooltips got a facelift. More compact text, some color changes on the spell- tooltips and other cosmetic effects.
  • Also displaying duration of spells (buffs or over time effect spells).
  • New base for a spelltype is added; Healing over Time spells.
  • Added a new spell to demonstrate this:'Hymn of restoration'
  • New part of questsystem in place. Regional updates.
  • This is only demonstrated when entering the Town Arinox as of now. Will be added to quests shortly.
  • Shop is now initiated only by right-clicking on trader, S is not working anymore.
  • Movement is now done with WSAD-keys instead of arrowkeys. We will add keybindings to Dawn later on.
  • Minor bugfixes...

Dawn 0.0.23

Released Saturday April 24, 2010

  • Switching zones - You can now zone into other areas. Check the northern part of the town. ;)
  • New graphics added from compilation (walls, chairs, floor tiles, etc).
  • New inside/underground zone added.
  • New character graphics added (wizard character).
  • Fix so the editor doesn't move away when holding right ctrl in the editor (move object pixel by pixel).

Dawn 0.0.22

Released Saturday April 9, 2010

  • Shopping and talking to NPCs are done using right mouse button.
  • New icons to represent Quest and shopping.
  • Item value is only displayed if player is shopping.
  • Targeted NPCs now have a backdrop and a more centered text.
  • Also removed the health information.
  • NPCs target tooltip will display the NPCs attitude towards the player by drawing the NPCs name with the color of attitude. (green = friendly, yellow = neutral, red = hostile).
  • Hostile NPCs will now attack player if close enough.
  • Seller in town is renamed to 'Rake Fleetwood'.
  • Revamped the zone again, adding more wolves to pass before the quest 'Hide and Seek'can be accomplished.
  • Adding two lost stats: manaRegen and healthRegen.
  • Mana and health are now regenerated at every 1000 ms, based on what regen the player has.
  • Added two new spells to demonstrate the 'new' stats:

    Mana Vortex will regenerate 10 mana every second for 15 seconds, cost nothing

    to cast. 2 min cooldown.

    Earthen Seeds will regenerate 3 health every second for 3 minutes.

  • Added movement back into the editor
  • You can now save and load states in the game using the menu (ESC-key) and choosing load or save.
  • A savepoint system (similar to some console games) is planned where you can only save in some safe region which has no monsters, etc.
  • The savepoints are not there, yet so you can save everywhere, but when you load all monsters (except quest monsters that where removed again after being killed) will be alive again and at full health (as is the player). This might seem a little bit strange for now, but is totally intended this way.
  • Fixed bug in Character Info Page, drawing the experience bar at a strange position.
  • OpenGL threading bugfix.

Dawn 0.0.21

Released Saturday Mars 27, 2010

  • K-key won't kill unspawned NPCs.
  • Two new NPCs have been added; a spider and a skeleton. Beware, they are quite nasty!
  • The main zone is now updated. A town has been added along with some new graphics.
  • The shopkeeper is now found inside the town.
  • The character infoscreen is now updated with the graphics from Micke Olsson.
  • Smaller bugfixes.

Dawn 0.0.20

Released Friday Mars 12, 2010

  • Added a new Inventory screen. This image is really Micke Olssons image he sent me as a preview. Let's pray he comes back. Modified it to allow for a shield slot and added room for a purse (coins = gold, silver, copper).
  • Removed item-shaders from the inventory.
  • Cleaned up junk-data in our loading-, option- and quest-screens.
  • Added a currency in gold, silver and copper. 1 gold = 100 silver. 1 silver = 100 copper.
  • Added shopping functions. To open the shop, click on the NPC seller. (S closes the shop, this will be changed).
  • Tooltips have been updated with the new currency to display the value of buying and selling items.
  • Added friendly NPCs. Added movable interaction points (bound to NPC).
  • Added shop character to woods map.
  • Items from shops are directly bought when right-clicking on them
  • Added dropping coins for monsters and lua interface to set drop chance and amount
  • Added a new class to represent loot on the ground.
  • Holding left ALT key will display the tooltip of the item.
  • Mouseover the items tooltip will draw the in brighter color.
  • Clicking on the tooltip of an item will loot that item. Otherwise the looting works the same way.
  • Coins on the ground loot now have a representation of the value in the tooltip, drawing value and coin representation.

Dawn 0.0.19

Released Friday February 26, 2010

  • Screenshot feature! You can now take a screenshot of the screen by pressing [PRINT SCREEN].
  • Several bugfixes. ;)

Dawn 0.0.18

Released Friday February 12, 2010

  • Added new items (spellbook and a leather belt).
  • Spells can now be learned through spellbooks.
  • Right-click on a spellbook in the inventory to memorize it to your spellbook.
  • Added new buffs to the game (strengthbuff and dark magic effect buff).
  • New graphics for spellbooks, spells and a belt.
  • An optionscreen is added to the game. Accessed by ESC-key. Quit the game using this menu.
  • Spells can now be dragged from one actionbar to another (or removed by clicking outside).
  • Added loadingscreen to the game. This screen will appear when loading a new zone.
  • Lots of bugfixes.

Dawn 0.0.17

Released Friday January 29, 2010

  • Quests are added to the game.
  • Speak to the little green guy at the road to get you started on the first quest in Dawn!
  • Questwindow to display active quests along with latest information regarding that quest.
  • To open this, press Q-key.
  • Cooldowns for spells. (The time it takes before the spell is available again).
  • Potions and Scrolls now work when right-clicking them.
  • Bugfixes and new graphical content (yeah, new lightning spell icon).

Dawn 0.0.16

Released Friday January 15, 2010

  • Spells are created in a new way. For you who likes to play around with the lua-files check out spells.lua.
  • New spells introduced along with a new line of spells, Buffs. ( For now Leatherskin is our only buff ).
  • BuffWindow added to display active spells on the player.
  • As always - bugfixes. ;)

Dawn 0.0.15

Released Friday December 11, 2009

  • Added more stats to the tooltip (block, melee critical, spell critical, resist and spell effect bonus).
  • Added character animation to walking, attacking and spell casting.
  • Critical hits are now being displayed in the combat text.
  • Some new environment graphics added.
  • Other bug fixed. ;)

Dawn 0.0.14

Released Friday November 27, 2009

  • Damage-, hit-, evade-modifiers introduced for the character and the items.
  • Collision checks are updated, hopefully more suitable with the new player and NPC graphics we are using now.
  • Spells can now be drawn from the spellbook into the actionbar.
  • Added stats for block, meleeCritical, resistElement [+resistAll], spellEffectElement [+spellEffectAll] and spellCritical to items, characters, the stats system and partially to the CharacterInfoScreen.
  • Removed Energy from the NPC, Player, items.
  • New tooltip graphics.
  • Minor bugfixes.

Dawn 0.0.13

Released Friday November 13, 2009

  • Added so that the tooltip reloads its content every time the player levels up. This because the item tooltip was still displaying level requirement even when the player had sufficient level.
  • Fixed inventory screen bug that ate items of too high level if another item was equipped and you tried to equip that item.
  • Balanced enemies: Wolf pups have a 80% hit chance against level 0, 72 % against level 1 and 66 % against level 2. Wolfs have 100% against level 0, 96% against level 1 and 90 % against level 2
  • Minor bugfix: Fixed spell tooltip being shown when spellbook screen is not opened
  • Added a spellbook to the game.
  • It is still missing lots of functions (draging spells to actionbar, information of the spells, ranks of spells etc). Will be added soon hopefully.
  • Added some new functions to the Spell class, retrieving name, manacost and casttime to be displayed in the tooltip.
  • Added background images to display what type of item fits there.Also when item are being equipped in that position it draws the item's quality color in the background of the slot.
  • Added 1H and 2H axes to the tooltip, they were not being displayed properly.
  • Added the three new items that uses the new images Mikael supplied.
  • Added support for item level requirement (levelReq) to the items.
  • Tooltip now displays the levelReq if character level is too low.Unable to equip the item if levelReq is too low. Function added to the InventoryScreen to help determine this (isEquippable).
  • Added an ActionBar to handle all spells/actions.
  • Keys are now bound directly to the ActionBar's buttons. (So far they are not changeable using any function).
  • ActionBar's buttons are clickable as well, this also executes the action/spell.
  • Function added to bind / unbind spells to the slot.
  • Added coloring of the ActionBar's button when spell being cast.
  • Fixed texts on character info screen to work for negative coordinates as well (should have fixed that long ago :)). Problem was that compiler tried to create an uint first then casting it to float. Helped by casting some value to float directly
  • Fixed healing function to be able to heal up to modifiedMaxHP, not only maxHP
  • Fixed lifebar to show the correct values not a too long lifebar

Dawn 0.0.12

Released Monday November 2, 2009

  • Lots of changes to items. They are now equippable. Possible to swap items beneath each other (if there is room for them).
  • They now actually boost the players stats and performance. ;)
  • Tooltips added for the items, displaying stats.
  • New Character Info screen. New graphics and more information about stats.
  • Attacks made with (SPACE) are now based on the damage of the weapon and strength of the player.
  • Added some more items to play with.
  • Different item quality added; POOR, NORMAL, ENHANCED, RARE and LORE.
  • Sword of Khazom is a LORE sword and Eye of Licor is a RARE ring.
  • Binary release now ships with more (and correct) dll-files, before this many clients were not able to run the game.

Dawn 0.0.11

Released Thursday October 1, 2009

  • NPCs now turn hostile when being attacked.
  • Watch out... They hurt more than you think! ;)
  • Added basic infoscreen for the character. Access this by pressing [c].
  • Added the baseframe for the inventory. Access this by pressing [i].
  • You can now gain experience and level up!
  • Check your experience and level inside the character infoscreen.
  • Added life and mana bar.
  • Various improvements / bugfixes.

Dawn 0.0.10

Released Friday August 28, 2009

  • Added simple melee combat. Selecting an NPC and pressing the [SPACEBAR] will attack the NPC once.
  • Added actionbar to the game.
  • Added some graphics to the spells.
  • Added combat text display to the game.
  • Several other bugfixes / minor changes.

Dawn 0.0.9

Released Saturday July 18, 2009

  • Added spells to the game.
  • Keypress (1) - Lightning attack. Slow spell, high damage.
  • Keypress (2) - Healing. Healing the character.
  • Keypress (3) - Magic missile. Fast spell, low damage.
  • Keypress (4) - Heal other. Healing the target.
  • Keypress (5) - Just an effect to display how spell interruption will feel.
  • Spawnpoints for the NPCs are loaded from zoneX.spawnpoints
  • NPC info is loaded from mobdata.all
  • Displaying castbar for the current spell being cast.
  • Displaying health bar for the NPC in target.
  • Displaying name and current health above NPCs.
  • Other minor changes / bugfixes.
  • Most textures changed to Power of Two textures.
  • This should however not be needed now due to some changes in the OpenGL drawing code.
  • Textures will be reworked in another revision.

Dawn 0.0.8

Released Monday July 6, 2009

  • Added NPCs to the game. Currently all they do for now is wander around.
  • Keypress (K) kills the NPCs in the zone at the moment.
  • Spawnpoints for the NPCs are loaded from zoneX.spawnpointmap

Dawn 0.0.7

Released Tuesday June 30, 2009

  • Solved several performance issues causing very low FPS rate on some computers.
  • Option to toggle fullscreen on/off. Executing dawn with parameter -f sets fullscreen on.

Dawn 0.0.6

Released Thursday June 25, 2009

  • Added a basic character. Just for fun, don't worry. Pacman isn't fit for the world of Dawn. ;)
  • Fixed the tilemap-file, causing some FPS-drop.
  • Altered the compiler settings, this compiled .exe file is alot smaller and will hopefully run smoother.

Dawn 0.0.5

Released Wednesday June 24, 2009

  • Added collisionboxe to the level editor.
  • Added support for colorblending, transparency, scaling and moving the objects in the level editor.
  • New function to display messages on screen.
  • Added some in-game help texts to the level editor.

Dawn 0.0.4

Released Thursday June 4, 2009

  • Initial release.