- Simple Blog boilerplate.
- Simple Admin/User system.
- Guest can register new accounts.
- React Context Api.
- Semantic UI.
- Dynamic Navigation bar.
- User profile page.
- Blog post Comments.
- getUsers apollo query.
- Admin is able to delete posts from admin panel
- Users/Posts tab in Admin page.
- delete post
- convert contextAPI to redux store
- gql api server to heroku (for easier development).
- Admin is able to add/edit/delete posts from admin panel.
- Rich Text editor.
- posts summray in posts page
- Admin to be able to delete any Post.
- Users to be able to delete their own Posts.
- Replay comment.
- Dynamic pages system (Admin is able to create/edit/delete new pages and its content)
- User to be able to see their own posts in the Profile page
- User to be able to edit his basic information.
- users to be able to upload Post Feature Image.
- User/Admin input Sanitization.
- Only admins can promot/create admins.
- Home Slider.
- Pagination.
- Bulk users/posts delete
- Footer.
- Demo.
- Clear debugging snippets.
- Documentation.
- logical delete.
- migrate to mui.
- few cosmotics.