Click to expand the details
Ubuntu 64-bit 16.04, ROS Kinetic. ROS Installation. We only test it on Ubuntu 16.04 with ROS Kinetic.
Follow the following instructions to install Ceres-solver instead of using the latest version of Ceres-solver.
Step 1: Download the Ceres-solver which is compatible with FGO-GNSSV3.0.
Step 2: make and install
sudo apt-get install cmake
# google-glog + gflags
sudo apt-get install libgoogle-glog-dev
sudo apt-get install libatlas-base-dev
# Eigen3
sudo apt-get install libeigen3-dev
# make Ceres-solver
mkdir ceres-bin
cd ceres-bin
cmake ../ceres-solver
sudo make -j4
sudo make test
sudo make install
sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-novatel-msgs
Clone the repository and catkin_make:
mkdir fgo_gnss/src
cd ~/fgo_gnss/src
mkdir result
git clone
cd ../
# if you fail in the last catkin_make, please source and catkin_make again
source ~/fgo_gnss/devel/setup.bash
(if you fail in this step, try to find another computer with clean system or reinstall Ubuntu and ROS)
Click to expand the details to replicate the result
Several parameters are as follows:
satellite system: GPS/BeiDou
Window Size: Batch
result is saved by default
Solution to run the GNSS positioning Demo
source ~/fgo_gnss/devel/setup.bash # run pseudorange and doppler fusion roslaunch global_fusion psr_doppler_fusion.launch # read GNSS raw data and publish as ROS topic roslaunch global_fusion dataHuaweiPro_TST20201113.launch
To evaluate the performance
source ~/fgo_gnss/devel/setup.bash # read evaluation as follows roslaunch global_fusion evo_HuaweiPhoneTST.launch
4. Run GNSS positioning via dataset collected by the Huawei P40 Pro Phone (walking data) via tightly coupled doppler factor
Several parameters are as follows:
- satellite system: GPS/BeiDou
- Window Size: Batch
- result is saved by default
~/FGO_GNSS V3.0/src/global_fusion/FGO_trajectoryllh_psr_dop_fusion.csv
Before testing the HONG KONG data
go to modify the file src/FGO_GNSS_phase2/global_fusion/RTKLIB/src/pntpost.cpp as follows:
line 563 # doppler residual line 564 v[nv]=-lam*obs[i].D[0]-(rate+x[3]-CLIGHT*dts[1+i*2]); line 565 #v[nv]=lam*obs[i].D[0]-(rate+x[3]-CLIGHT*dts[1+i*2]); #/* for 2022 SH & Xi'an data */
line 766 if(gnss_raw.elevation>15 && gnss_raw.snr>15) #default value is 15
go to modify the file src/FGO_GNSS_phase2/global_fusion/include/gnss_estimator/doppler_factor.hpp as follows:
line 93 #residuals[0] = (est_dop - doppler) / T(var); #// for huawei shanghai&xian dataset line 94 residuals[0] = (est_dop + doppler) / T(var); #// for huawei p40 phone and u-blox data 0.2 0.3
Click to expand the details
- Check rtklib.h settings for visualization
Check the rtklib.h settings
# if the rtklib.h for TST EAST data doesn't set as TST/Canton Road/Campus P40 phone data, please change it as the figure # Then compile the project again cd ~/FGO_GNSS_V3.0 catkin_make
Solution to run the TST East(尖沙咀东) positioning Demo
source ~/FGO_GNSS V3.0/devel/setup.bash # read GNSS raw data and publish as ROS topic roslaunch global_fusion psr_tcdoppler_fusion.launch # run pseudorange and doppler fusion roslaunch global_fusion dataP40_1_Bag_TST20210714.launch
Solution to run the TST East(尖沙咀东) positioning Demo using sliding window FGO
source ~/FGO_GNSS V3.0/devel/setup.bash # read GNSS raw data and publish as ROS topic roslaunch global_fusion psr_tcdoppler_sw.launch # run pseudorange and doppler fusion roslaunch global_fusion dataP40_1_Bag_TST20210714.launch
Solution to run the TST East(尖沙咀东) positioning Demo using batch FGO aided by GNC
source ~/FGO_GNSS V3.0/devel/setup.bash # read GNSS raw data and publish as ROS topic roslaunch global_fusion psr_tcdoppler_batch_GNC.launch # run pseudorange and doppler fusion roslaunch global_fusion dataP40_1_Bag_TST20210714.launch
Copy FGO_trajectoryllh_psr_dop_fusion.csv and WLS.csv to the TST_EAST folder
- Copy FGO_trajectoryllh_psr_dop_fusion.csv and WLS.csv to the TST_EAST folder
Click to expand the details
- Make sure there is not an exist file named EKF_trajectoryllh_psr_dop_fusion.csv, if there is, please delete it
- Check the log path of EKF in FGO_GNSS_V3.0/src/global_fusion/src/gnss_estimator/psr_doppler_fusion_EKF.cpp line 544, Change the path to the one you want, but do not change the output file name, then compile the project
cd ~/FGO_GNSS_V3.0
- Solution to run the TST East(尖沙咀东) positioning Demo (EKF) ekfpath
source ~/FGO_GNSS V3.0/devel/setup.bash # read GNSS raw data and publish as ROS topic roslaunch global_fusion psr_doppler_fusion_EKF.launch # run pseudorange and doppler fusion roslaunch global_fusion dataP40_1_Bag_TST20210714.launch
- Cut EKF_trajectoryllh_psr_dop_fusion.csv to the TST_EAST folder
There are 3 files should be evaluated, while you want to evaluate the FGO, please follow this: 'sol_folder'= 'FGO_trajectoryllh_psr_dop_fusion','trajectory_path' = 'trajectory.csv', 'error_path' = 'error.csv'
For FGO evaluation:
- To evaluate the performance
source ~/FGO_GNSS V3.0/devel/setup.bash # read evaluation as follows roslaunch global_fusion evo_TST.launch
Click to expand the details
- Check rtklib.h settings for visualization
Check the rtklib.h settings
# if the rtklib.h for TST EAST data doesn't set as TST/Canton Road/Campus P40 phone data, please change it as the figure # Then compile the project again cd ~/FGO_GNSS_V3.0 catkin_make
Solution to run the MANGKOK (旺角) positioning Demo
source ~/FGO_GNSS V3.0/devel/setup.bash # read GNSS raw data and publish as ROS topic roslaunch global_fusion psr_tcdoppler_fusion.launch # run pseudorange and doppler fusion roslaunch global_fusion dataHUAWEI_MANGKOK.launch
Solution to run the MANGKOK (旺角) positioning Demo using sliding window FGO
source ~/FGO_GNSS V3.0/devel/setup.bash # read GNSS raw data and publish as ROS topic roslaunch global_fusion psr_tcdoppler_sw.launch # run pseudorange and doppler fusion roslaunch global_fusion dataHUAWEI_MANGKOK.launch
Solution to run the MANGKOK (旺角) positioning Demo using batch FGO aided by GNC
source ~/FGO_GNSS V3.0/devel/setup.bash # read GNSS raw data and publish as ROS topic roslaunch global_fusion psr_tcdoppler_batch_GNC.launch # run pseudorange and doppler fusion roslaunch global_fusion dataHUAWEI_MANGKOK.launch
Copy FGO_trajectoryllh_psr_dop_fusion.csv and WLS.csv to the WJ folder
Click to expand the details
- Make sure there is not an exist file named EKF_trajectoryllh_psr_dop_fusion.csv, if there is, please delete it
- Check the log path of EKF in FGO_GNSS_V3.0/src/global_fusion/src/gnss_estimator/psr_doppler_fusion_EKF.cpp line 544, Change the path to the one you want, but do not change the output file name, then compile the project (If you have changed the log path, you can skip this step, but do not forget doing the first step)
cd ~/FGO_GNSS_V3.0 catkin_make
- Solution to run the the MANGKOK (旺角) positioning Demo (EKF) ekfpath
source ~/FGO_GNSS V3.0/devel/setup.bash # read GNSS raw data and publish as ROS topic roslaunch global_fusion psr_doppler_fusion_EKF.launch # run pseudorange and doppler fusion roslaunch global_fusion dataHUAWEI_MANGKOK.launch
- Cut EKF_trajectoryllh_psr_dop_fusion.csv to the WJ folder
Click to expand the details
- Change the evo_WJ.launch for evaluation as 4.1.3
- To evaluate the performance
source ~/FGO_GNSS V3.0/devel/setup.bash # read evaluation as follows roslaunch global_fusion evo_WJ.launch
Click to expand the details
- Check rtklib.h settings for visualization settings for visualization-
Check the rtklib.h settings
# if the rtklib.h for TST EAST data doesn't set as TST/Canton Road/Campus P40 phone data, please change it as the figure # Then compile the project again cd ~/FGO_GNSS_V3.0 catkin_make
Solution to run the Canton Road (广东道) positioning Demo
source ~/FGO_GNSS V3.0/devel/setup.bash # read GNSS raw data and publish as ROS topic roslaunch global_fusion psr_tcdoppler_fusion.launch # run pseudorange and doppler fusion roslaunch global_fusion dataHUAWEI_GDD.launch
Solution to run the Canton Road (广东道) positioning Demo using sliding window FGO
source ~/FGO_GNSS V3.0/devel/setup.bash # read GNSS raw data and publish as ROS topic roslaunch global_fusion psr_tcdoppler_sw.launch # run pseudorange and doppler fusion roslaunch global_fusion dataHUAWEI_GDD.launch
Solution to run the Canton Road (广东道) positioning Demo using batch FGO aided by GNC
source ~/FGO_GNSS V3.0/devel/setup.bash # read GNSS raw data and publish as ROS topic roslaunch global_fusion psr_tcdoppler_batch_GNC.launch # run pseudorange and doppler fusion roslaunch global_fusion dataHUAWEI_GDD.launch
Copy FGO_trajectoryllh_psr_dop_fusion.csv and WLS.csv to the GDD folder
Click to expand the details
- *Make sure there is ***not*** an exist file named **EKF_trajectoryllh_psr_dop_fusion.csv**, if there is, please delete it* - Check the log path of EKF in FGO_GNSS_V3.0/src/global_fusion/src/gnss_estimator/psr_doppler_fusion_EKF.cpp **line 544**, Change the path to the one you want, but do not change the output file name, then compile the project (**If you have changed the log path, you can skip this step, but do not forget doing the first step**) ```bash cd ~/FGO_GNSS_V3.0 catkin_make
<p align="center">
<img width="712pix" src="img/ekfpath.png">
<center> EKF log path</center>
- Solution to run the TST East(尖沙咀东) positioning Demo (EKF) ekfpath
source ~/FGO_GNSS V3.0/devel/setup.bash
# read GNSS raw data and publish as ROS topic
roslaunch global_fusion psr_doppler_fusion_EKF.launch
# run pseudorange and doppler fusion
roslaunch global_fusion dataHUAWEI_GDD.launch
- Cut EKF_trajectoryllh_psr_dop_fusion.csv to the GDD folder
Click to expand the details
- Change the evo_GDD.launch for evaluation as 4.1.3
- To evaluate the performance
source ~/FGO_GNSS V3.0/devel/setup.bash # read evaluation as follows roslaunch global_fusion evo_GDD.launch
Click to expand the details
- Check rtklib.h settings for visualization
Check the rtklib.h settings
# if the rtklib.h for TST EAST data doesn't set as TST/Canton Road/Campus P40 phone data, please change it as the figure # Then compile the project again cd ~/FGO_GNSS_V3.0 catkin_make
Solution to run the Tsuen Wan (荃湾) positioning Demo
source ~/FGO_GNSS V3.0/devel/setup.bash # read GNSS raw data and publish as ROS topic roslaunch global_fusion psr_tcdoppler_fusion.launch # run pseudorange and doppler fusion roslaunch global_fusion dataHUAWEI_QW.launch
Solution to run the Tsuen Wan (荃湾) positioning Demo using sliding window FGO
source ~/FGO_GNSS V3.0/devel/setup.bash # read GNSS raw data and publish as ROS topic roslaunch global_fusion psr_tcdoppler_sw.launch # run pseudorange and doppler fusion roslaunch global_fusion dataHUAWEI_QW.launch
Solution to run the Tsuen Wan (荃湾) positioning Demo using batch FGO aided by GNC
source ~/FGO_GNSS V3.0/devel/setup.bash # read GNSS raw data and publish as ROS topic roslaunch global_fusion psr_tcdoppler_batch_GNC.launch # run pseudorange and doppler fusion roslaunch global_fusion dataHUAWEI_QW.launch
Copy FGO_trajectoryllh_psr_dop_fusion.csv and WLS.csv to the QW folder
Click to expand the details
- Make sure there is not an exist file named EKF_trajectoryllh_psr_dop_fusion.csv, if there is, please delete it
- Check the log path of EKF in FGO_GNSS_V3.0/src/global_fusion/src/gnss_estimator/psr_doppler_fusion_EKF.cpp line 544, Change the path to the one you want, but do not change the output file name, then compile the project (If you have changed the log path, you can skip this step, but do not forget doing the first step)
cd ~/FGO_GNSS_V3.0 catkin_make
- Solution to run the Tsuen Wan (荃湾) positioning Demo (EKF) ekfpath
source ~/FGO_GNSS V3.0/devel/setup.bash # read GNSS raw data and publish as ROS topic roslaunch global_fusion psr_doppler_fusion_EKF.launch # run pseudorange and doppler fusion roslaunch global_fusion dataHUAWEI_QW.launch
- Cut EKF_trajectoryllh_psr_dop_fusion.csv to the QW folder
Click to expand the details
- Change the evo_GDD.launch for evaluation as 4.1.3
- To evaluate the performance
source ~/FGO_GNSS V3.0/devel/setup.bash # read evaluation as follows roslaunch global_fusion evo_QW.launch
Click to expand the details
- Check rtklib.h settings for visualization
Check the rtklib.h settings
# if the rtklib.h for TST EAST data doesn't set as TST/Canton Road/Campus P40 phone data, please change it as the figure # Then compile the project again cd ~/FGO_GNSS_V3.0 catkin_make
Solution to run the Campus (高层小区) positioning Demo
source ~/FGO_GNSS V3.0/devel/setup.bash # read GNSS raw data and publish as ROS topic roslaunch global_fusion psr_tcdoppler_fusion.launch # run pseudorange and doppler fusion roslaunch global_fusion dataHUAWEI_CAMPUS.launch
Solution to run the Campus (高层小区) positioning Demo using sliding window FGO
source ~/FGO_GNSS V3.0/devel/setup.bash # read GNSS raw data and publish as ROS topic roslaunch global_fusion psr_tcdoppler_sw.launch # run pseudorange and doppler fusion roslaunch global_fusion dataHUAWEI_CAMPUS.launch
Solution to run the Campus (高层小区) positioning Demo using batch FGO aided by GNC
source ~/FGO_GNSS V3.0/devel/setup.bash # read GNSS raw data and publish as ROS topic roslaunch global_fusion psr_tcdoppler_batch_GNC.launch # run pseudorange and doppler fusion roslaunch global_fusion dataHUAWEI_CAMPUS.launch
Copy FGO_trajectoryllh_psr_dop_fusion.csv and WLS.csv to the CAMPUS folder
Click to expand the details
- Make sure there is not an exist file named EKF_trajectoryllh_psr_dop_fusion.csv, if there is, please delete it
- Check the log path of EKF in FGO_GNSS_V3.0/src/global_fusion/src/gnss_estimator/psr_doppler_fusion_EKF.cpp line 544, Change the path to the one you want, but do not change the output file name, then compile the project (If you have changed the log path, you can skip this step, but do not forget doing the first step)
cd ~/FGO_GNSS_V3.0 catkin_make
- Solution to run the Campus (高层小区) positioning Demo (EKF) ekfpath
source ~/FGO_GNSS V3.0/devel/setup.bash # read GNSS raw data and publish as ROS topic roslaunch global_fusion psr_doppler_fusion_EKF.launch # run pseudorange and doppler fusion roslaunch global_fusion dataHUAWEI_CAMPUS.launch
- Cut EKF_trajectoryllh_psr_dop_fusion.csv to the CAMPUS folder
Click to expand the details
- Change the evo_GDD.launch for evaluation as 4.1.3
- To evaluate the performance
source ~/FGO_GNSS V3.0/devel/setup.bash # read evaluation as follows roslaunch global_fusion evo_CAMPUS.launch
Several parameters are as follows:
- satellite system: GPS/BeiDou
- result is saved by default
~/FGO_GNSS V3.0/src/global_fusion/FGO_trajectoryllh_psr_dop_fusion.csv
Before testing the SHANG HAI's data
go to modify the file src/FGO_GNSS_phase2/global_fusion/RTKLIB/src/pntpost.cpp as follows:
line 563 # doppler residual line 564 #v[nv]=-lam*obs[i].D[0]-(rate+x[3]-CLIGHT*dts[1+i*2]); line 565 v[nv]=lam*obs[i].D[0]-(rate+x[3]-CLIGHT*dts[1+i*2]); #/* for 2022 SH & Xi'an data */
line 766 if(gnss_raw.elevation>15 && gnss_raw.snr>20) #default value is 15
go to modify the file src/FGO_GNSS_phase2/global_fusion/include/gnss_estimator/doppler_factor.hpp as follows:
line 93 residuals[0] = (est_dop - doppler) / T(var); #// for huawei shanghai&xian dataset line 94 #residuals[0] = (est_dop + doppler) / T(var); #// for huawei p40 phone and u-blox data 0.2 0.3
Click to expand the details
- Check rtklib.h settings for visualization
Check the rtklib.h settings
# if the rtklib.h for TST EAST data doesn't set as TST/Canton Road/Campus P40 phone data, please change it as the figure # Then compile the project again cd ~/FGO_GNSS_V3.0 catkin_make
Solution to run the ZLL positioning Demo using sliding window FGO aided by GNC
source ~/FGO_GNSS V3.0/devel/setup.bash # read GNSS raw data and publish as ROS topic roslaunch global_fusion psr_tcdoppler_sw_ZLL.launch # run pseudorange and doppler fusion roslaunch global_fusion dataHUAWEI_220113.launch
Solution to run the ZLL positioning Demo using batch FGO aided by GNC
source ~/FGO_GNSS V3.0/devel/setup.bash # read GNSS raw data and publish as ROS topic roslaunch global_fusion psr_tcdoppler_batch_GNC.launch # run pseudorange and doppler fusion roslaunch global_fusion dataHUAWEI_220113.launch
- To evaluate the performance
source ~/FGO_GNSS V3.0/devel/setup.bash # read evaluation as follows roslaunch global_fusion evo_220113.launch
Click to expand the details
- Check rtklib.h settings for visualization
Check the rtklib.h settings
# if the rtklib.h for TST EAST data doesn't set as TST/Canton Road/Campus P40 phone data, please change it as the figure # Then compile the project again cd ~/FGO_GNSS_V3.0 catkin_make
Solution to run the LJJLD positioning Demo using sliding window FGO aided by GNC
source ~/FGO_GNSS V3.0/devel/setup.bash # read GNSS raw data and publish as ROS topic roslaunch global_fusion psr_tcdoppler_sw_LJJLD.launch # run pseudorange and doppler fusion roslaunch global_fusion dataHUAWEI_220120_LJJLD.launch
Solution to run the LJJLD positioning Demo using batch FGO aided by GNC
source ~/FGO_GNSS V3.0/devel/setup.bash # read GNSS raw data and publish as ROS topic roslaunch global_fusion psr_tcdoppler_batch_GNC.launch # run pseudorange and doppler fusion roslaunch global_fusion dataHUAWEI_220120_LJJLD.launch
- To evaluate the performance
source ~/FGO_GNSS V3.0/devel/setup.bash # read evaluation as follows roslaunch global_fusion evo_220120_LJJLD.launch
Click to expand the details
- Check rtklib.h settings for visualization
Check the rtklib.h settings
# if the rtklib.h for TST EAST data doesn't set as TST/Canton Road/Campus P40 phone data, please change it as the figure # Then compile the project again cd ~/FGO_GNSS_V3.0 catkin_make
Solution to run the WG positioning Demo using sliding window FGO aided by GNC
source ~/FGO_GNSS V3.0/devel/setup.bash # read GNSS raw data and publish as ROS topic roslaunch global_fusion psr_tcdoppler_sw_WG.launch # run pseudorange and doppler fusion roslaunch global_fusion dataHUAWEI_220120_WG.launch
Solution to run the WG positioning Demo using batch FGO aided by GNC
source ~/FGO_GNSS V3.0/devel/setup.bash # read GNSS raw data and publish as ROS topic roslaunch global_fusion psr_tcdoppler_batch_GNC.launch # run pseudorange and doppler fusion roslaunch global_fusion dataHUAWEI_220120_WG.launch
- To evaluate the performance
source ~/FGO_GNSS V3.0/devel/setup.bash # read evaluation as follows roslaunch global_fusion evo_220120_WG.launch
Click to expand the details
- Check rtklib.h settings for visualization
Check the rtklib.h settings
# if the rtklib.h for TST EAST data doesn't set as TST/Canton Road/Campus P40 phone data, please change it as the figure # Then compile the project again cd ~/FGO_GNSS_V3.0 catkin_make
Solution to run the NJDL positioning Demo using sliding window FGO aided by GNC
source ~/FGO_GNSS V3.0/devel/setup.bash # read GNSS raw data and publish as ROS topic roslaunch global_fusion psr_tcdoppler_sw_NJDL.launch # run pseudorange and doppler fusion roslaunch global_fusion dataHUAWEI_220125_NJDL.launch
Solution to run the NJDL positioning Demo using batch FGO aided by GNC
source ~/FGO_GNSS V3.0/devel/setup.bash # read GNSS raw data and publish as ROS topic roslaunch global_fusion psr_tcdoppler_batch_GNC.launch # run pseudorange and doppler fusion roslaunch global_fusion dataHUAWEI_220125_NJDL.launch
- To evaluate the performance
source ~/FGO_GNSS V3.0/devel/setup.bash # read evaluation as follows roslaunch global_fusion evo_220125_NJDL.launch
Click to expand the details
- Check rtklib.h settings for visualization
Check the rtklib.h settings
# if the rtklib.h for TST EAST data doesn't set as TST/Canton Road/Campus P40 phone data, please change it as the figure # Then compile the project again cd ~/FGO_GNSS_V3.0 catkin_make
Solution to run the YSTYG positioning Demo using sliding window FGO aided by GNC
source ~/FGO_GNSS V3.0/devel/setup.bash # read GNSS raw data and publish as ROS topic roslaunch global_fusion psr_tcdoppler_sw_YSTYG.launch # run pseudorange and doppler fusion roslaunch global_fusion dataHUAWEI_220125_YSTYG.launch
Solution to run the YSTYG positioning Demo using batch FGO aided by GNC
source ~/FGO_GNSS V3.0/devel/setup.bash # read GNSS raw data and publish as ROS topic roslaunch global_fusion psr_tcdoppler_batch_GNC.launch # run pseudorange and doppler fusion roslaunch global_fusion dataHUAWEI_220125_YSTYG.launch
- To evaluate the performance
source ~/FGO_GNSS V3.0/devel/setup.bash # read evaluation as follows roslaunch global_fusion evo_220125_YSTYG.launch
6. Run GNSS positioning via dataset MANGKOK (walking data) via SDM Factor & adaptive sliding windows
Before testing the Mangkok-3DMA data
go to modify the file src/FGO_GNSS_phase2/global_fusion/RTKLIB/src/pntpost.cpp as follows:
line 563 # doppler residual line 564 v[nv]=-lam*obs[i].D[0]-(rate+x[3]-CLIGHT*dts[1+i*2]); line 565 #v[nv]=lam*obs[i].D[0]-(rate+x[3]-CLIGHT*dts[1+i*2]); #/* for 2022 SH & Xi'an data */
line 766 if(gnss_raw.elevation>15 && gnss_raw.snr>15) #default value is 15
go to modify the file src/FGO_GNSS_phase2/global_fusion/include/gnss_estimator/doppler_factor.hpp as follows:
line 93 #residuals[0] = (est_dop - doppler) / T(var); #// for huawei shanghai&xian dataset line 94 residuals[0] = (est_dop + doppler) / T(var); #// for huawei p40 phone and u-blox data 0.2 0.3
Click to expand the details
- Check rtklib.h settings for visualization
Check the rtklib.h settings
# if the rtklib.h for TST EAST data doesn't set as TST/Canton Road/Campus P40 phone data, please change it as the figure # Then compile the project again cd ~/FGO_GNSS_V3.0 catkin_make
Solution to run the MANGKOK positioning Demo using sliding window FGO aided by 3DMA factor
source ~/FGO_GNSS V3.0/devel/setup.bash # read GNSS raw data and publish as ROS topic roslaunch global_fusion psr_tcdoppler_sw_MK_3DMA.launch # run pseudorange and doppler fusion roslaunch global_fusion dataHUAWEI_MANGKOK.launch
source ~/FGO_GNSS V3.0/devel/setup.bash # read GNSS raw data and publish as ROS topic roslaunch global_fusion evo_WJ_3DMA.launch
We use Ceres-solver for non-linear optimization and RTKLIB for GNSS data decoding, etc. If there is any thing inappropriate, please contact me through (Weisong WEN).
The source code is released under GPLv3 license. We are still working on improving the code reliability. For any technical issues, please contact Weisong Wen For commercial inquiries, please contact Li-ta Hsu