This is a collection of aliases and functions that I use.
A easy way to update these scripts is provided with aliasup
Tools for Documentation are also included.
Musalias = Muse + aliases
- k - kubectl command shortcut that will use kubectl if available, otherwise it will use microk8s kubectl
- kubectl - kubectl will use kubectl if available, otherwise it will use microk8s kubectl
- kpf - shortcut to get rollout restart
- kls - shortcut to get all pods in all namespaces
- ksv - shortcut to get all services in all namespaces
- kdp - shortcut to get all deployments in all namespaces
- kn - shortcut to get all nodes
- kns - shortcut to get all namespaces
- kdh - shortcut to get rollout history
- kds - shortcut to get rollout status
- m8 - Starting MicroK8s
- m8dp - Accessing the MicroK8s dashboard proxy
- install_microk8 - Install MicroK8s by running the install script
- dc - shortcut for docker-compose or docker compose
- dcl - shortcut for docker-compose or docker compose logs -f -n 500
- recomp - will pull, down and up as deamon a docker compose, will remove orphans, and follow logs after up
- recompBuild - will pull, build, down and up as deamon a docker compose, will remove orphans, and follow logs after up
- lh - Listing all files with human-readable sizes
- dud - Display the size of all folders in the current directory, sorted by size
- showContents - Display all file contents in the current directory recursively and write to showContentsOutput.txt
Options:- -c Clean content by removing excessive whitespace and line breaks
- -e Comma-separated list of glob patterns to exclude (overrides default excludes)
- tazstd - Function to tar and compress a directory with ZSTD, $0 is required
- mkdid - Function to create directories recursively and navigate to the deepest directory, $0 is required
- up - Update, upgrade, dis-upgrade, and autoremove packages 👑
- install_default - Install default packages:, docker-compose-v2, htop, iftop, fzf 👑
- laa - Alias for listAliases script
- aliasesList - Alias for listAliases script
- listAliases - List all available aliases and functions with their descriptions in fzf with fallback to less
Options:- -v will show the aliases file not interactive
- -m will print in markdown format not interactive
- aliasup - Update the aliases collection on your system
- musaliasUpdateReadme - replace the Aliases section in ~/.Musalias/ with the current listAliases -m output
Aliase marked with 👑 will call sudo
Go to homefolder and run this
git clone ~/.Musalias && bash ~/.Musalias/ && source ~/.Musalias/aliases
Or with SSH
git clone ~/.Musalias && bash ~/.Musalias/ && source ~/.Musalias/aliases
To update use