get help:
python detdata/ --help
example usage:
python detdata/ parse_coco --coco-labels-dir /home/i008/googledrive/Projects/AiScope/malaria_dataset --out-path /home/i008/data
This will result in the following files beeing created:
tree /home/i008/data/
├── dataset_train.csv
├── dataset_train.mxindex
├── dataset_train.mxrecords
├── dataset_valid.csv
├── dataset_valid.mxindex
└── dataset_valid.mxrecords
python detdata/ csv_to_mxindex
This will yield list of the length of the batch size specified. With not processed images and nd arrays of bounding boxes in the format ('class_id','xmin','ymin','xmax','ymax')
detdata = DetGen(
raw_generator = detdata.get_raw_generator()
list_images, list_bboxes = next(raw_generator)
class_id xmin ymin xmax ymax
[[ 0. 190. 502. 230. 542.]
[ 0. 16. 261. 56. 301.]
[ 0. 221. 475. 261. 515.]
[ 0. 111. 619. 151. 659.]]
You can use imgaug ( as your augmentation engine you can find its documentation here:
import imgaug as ia
from imgaug import augmenters as iaa
# create a dummy seqiantial imgaug.augmenter
dummy_augmenter = iaa.Sequential([iaa.Noop()])
aug_generator = detdata.get_augmenting_generator(augmenter=dummy_augmenter)
images, bbs_on_image, classes = next(aug_generator)
bbs_on_image contains a list of imgaug.imgaug.BoundingBoxesOnImage objects.