A modified MWC2.2 flight control for FlexBot hex board.
And the project is one part of the FlexBot Project.
##Source Code You can either download the source using the "Download ZIP" button at the bottom left of the github page, or you can make a clone using git:
git clone https://github.com/HexAirbot/HexNanoMWC_HEX.git
####Latest release version 1.0.3 source code
####How to compile
- Download the Arduino IDE (you should use the version 1.0.5+).
- Put all the source files (.ino files) from this repository in a folder called
. - Open the main file (HexNanoMWC_HEX.ino) with the Arduino IDE, and the IDE will automatically open the other source files.
- Connect your Flexbot via USB.
- Set the Board in your IDE to Arduino Leonardo Select the correct COM Port
- Click the verify and then the upload button
##Development The FlexBot Project is open source.
To contribute, you can send a pull request on Github, or share your idea to the forum.
##Support Website