This document covers how to integrate BullMQ into a NestJS project to manage queues. BullMQ is a robust library built on top of Redis, providing reliable job processing capabilties.
- Node.js and npm installed
- NestJS CLI installed(
npm install -g @nestjs/cli
) - Redis server running
NOTE:- Ensure you are using Node.js version 18 for compatibility.
- Create a new Project
nest new ${project_name}
- Navigate to the project
cd project_name // navigate to existing project or newly created project.
- Install BullMQ and Redis packages
npm install @nestjs/bullmq @nestjs/bull bullmq bull ioredis
- Configure the BullModule in
// app.module.ts
import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { BullModule } from '@nestjs/bullmq';
imports: [
connection: {
host: 'localhost',// or pass your own redis host
port: 6379, // or pass your own redis port
controllers: [],// Add your controller if any
providers: []// Add your service,
export class AppModule{}
- Generate a new module, service and controller for BullMQ implementation
nest g module bull-queue
nest g service bull-queue
nest g controller bull-queue
- Set up the queue in the module:
// bull-queue.module.ts
import {Module} from '@nestjs/common'
import {BullModule} from '@nestjs/bullmq'
import {BullQueueService} from './bull-queue.service';
import { BullQueueController } from './bull-queue.controller';
export class BullQueueModule {}
- Implement the queue service:
import {Injectable} from '@nestjs/common';
import {InjectQueue} from '@nestjs/bull';
import {Queue} from 'bullmq'
export class BullQueueService{
constructor(@InjectQueue('mail-queue') private readonly myQueue: Queue){}
async addJobsInBulk(jobs: { serverName: string, to: string; subject: string; message: any }[])
const bulkJobs=>({
name:"sendMail", // name of the job
subject: job.subject,
await this.myQueue.addBulk(bulkJobs)// addBulk is used to push list of jobs at a time in queue
Note use
await this.myQueue.add('job-name', data)
to add single job to the queue.
- Implement the controller to handle job creation:
import { Controller, Post, Body } from '@nestjs/common';
import { BullQueueService } from './bull-queue.service';
export class BullQueueController{
constructor(private readonly bullQueueService:BullQueueService){}
async addJob(@Body() data: { serverName: string; to: string; subject: string; message: any }[],){
await this.bullQueueService.addJobsInBulk(data);
return {message:'JOb added to the queue successfully'}
- Start the NestJS application:
npm run start
- Test the Queue by Sending a POST Request:
Use a tool like postman and send a request to
"serverName":"XYZ", "to":"","subject":"testing mail server","message":"<h1>Hi</h1>"