Encrypted Data Vault is a secure storage for your data. The digital data is encrypted and stored in a way that only owner of the data can access the data. In case any data breach happens the data is encrypted with owners public key (attached to a did) and only owner can decrypt the data with his private key.
- Sequence - A unique counter for the data vault in order to ensure that clients are properly synchronized to the data vault. The value is required and MUST be an unsigned 64-bit number. (Incomplete Feature sync)
- controller - The DID of the controller of the data vault. The value is required and MUST be a valid DID.
- Invoker - The DID of the invoker of the data vault. The value is required and MUST be a valid DID. The root entities or cryptographic key(s) that are authorized to invoke an authorization capability to modify the data vault's configuration or read or write to it
- Delegator - The DID of the delegator of the data vault. The value is required and MUST be a valid DID.
- referenceId - Optional reference (application specific)
- keyAgreementKey.id - The DID of the key agreement key. The value is required and MUST be a valid DID.
- keyAgreementKey.type - The type of the key agreement key. The value is required and MUST be a valid type.
- hmac.id - The DID of the hmac key. The value is required and MUST be a valid DID.
- hmac.type - The type of the hmac key. The value is required and MUST be a valid type.
- content - The content of the data vault. The value is required and MUST be a valid JSON object.
{ "content": { "key1": "value1", "key2": { "key3": "value3" } } }
- id - Id of the encrypted document
- sequence - A unique counter for the data vault in order to ensure that clients are properly synchronized to the data vault. The value is required and MUST be an unsigned 64-bit number. (Incomplete Feature sync)
- jwe - The JWE of the encrypted document. The value is required and MUST be a valid JWE.
- encryptedData - The encrypted data of the encrypted document. (xpoly1305)
- indexed - The indexed data of the encrypted document. (ShaHmac256)
{ "id":"z19x9iFMnfo4YLsShKAvnJk4L", "sequence":0, "indexed":[ { "hmac":{ "id":"did:ex:12345#key1", "type":"Sha256HmacKey2019" }, "sequence":0, "attributes":[ ] } ], "jwe":{ "protected":"eyJlbmMiOiJDMjBQIn0", "recipients":[ { "header":{ "kid":"urn:123", "alg":"ECDH-ES+A256KW", "epk":{ "kty":"OKP", "crv":"X25519", "x":"d7rIddZWblHmCc0mYZJw39SGteink_afiLraUb-qwgs" }, "apu":"d7rIddZWblHmCc0mYZJw39SGteink_afiLraUb-qwgs", "apv":"dXJuOjEyMw" }, "encrypted_key":"4PQsjDGs8IE3YqgcoGfwPTuVG25MKjojx4HSZqcjfkhr0qhwqkpUUw" } ], "iv":"FoJ5uPIR6HDPFCtD", "ciphertext":"tIupQ-9MeYLdkAc1Us0Mdlp1kZ5Dbavq0No-eJ91cF0R0hE", "tag":"TMRcEPc74knOIbXhLDJA_w" } }
npm i https://github.com/hypersign-protocol/hid-ssi-js-sdk --save
npm i https://github.com/hypersign-protocol/hypersign-edv-client#dev-2.0
npm i bip39 --save
npm i @digitalbazaar/ed25519-verification-key-2020 --save
npm i @digitalbazaar/x25519-key-agreement-key-2020 --save
- KeyType :
- Ed25519VerificationKey2020
- X25519KeyAgreementKey2020
- Sha256HmacKey2019
- Encryption Algo :
- AES-GCM-256 (JWE)
- Create a new data vault
Pre-requisite :
import * as bip39 from "bip39";
import { Ed25519VerificationKey2020 } from "@digitalbazaar/ed25519-verification-key-2020";
import { X25519KeyAgreementKey2020 } from "@digitalbazaar/x25519-key-agreement-key-2020";
const hsDID = new HypersignDID({ namespace: 'testnet' });
const seed = bip39.mnemonicToEntropy('rigid tribe noise city fashion industry amazing outside glue tide meadow draw option private north cheese winter exotic shop address million finish aunt ritual');
const seedBuffer = Buffer.from(seed, 'hex')
const keys = await hsDID.generateKeys({ seed: seedBuffer });
const didDocument = await hsDID.generate({ publicKeyMultibase: keys.publicKeyMultibase })
const keyResolver= async ({id})=>{
// Resolve the key from the DID Document or from the blockchain or from any other source
// sample authentication key after did resolution
// Caution: This is just a sample snippet (This will cause error). You should resolve the key from the DID Document or from the blockchain or from any other source
const authenticationKey = {
'@context': 'https://w3id.org/security/suites/ed25519-2020/v1',
id: didDocument.id.split('#')[0] + '#' + keys.publicKeyMultibase,
controller: didDocument.id,
publicKeyMultibase: keys.publicKeyMultibase,
const ed25519=await Ed25519VerificationKey2020.from(authenticationKey);
return ed25519;
const authenticationKey = {
'@context': 'https://w3id.org/security/suites/ed25519-2020/v1',
id: didDocument.id.split('#')[0] + '#' + keys.publicKeyMultibase,
controller: didDocument.id,
publicKeyMultibase: keys.publicKeyMultibase,
privateKeyMultibase: keys.privateKeyMultibase
const ed25519=await Ed25519VerificationKey2020.from(authenticationKey);
const x25519=await X25519KeyAgreementKey2020.fromEd25519VerificationKey2020({
keyPair: {
publicKeyMultibase: keys.publicKeyMultibase,
privateKeyMultibase: keys.privateKeyMultibase
const keyAgreementKey={
id: didDocument.id.split('#')[0] + '#' + x25519.publicKeyMultibase,
type: 'X25519KeyAgreementKey2020',
Import the edv client class
import { HypersignEdvClientEd25519VerificationKey2020 } from "@hypersign-protocol/hypersign-vault-client";
const vault=new HypersignEdvClientEd25519VerificationKey2020({
const config={
controller: authenticationKey.id,
edvId: 'urn:uuid:6e8bc430-9c3a-11d9-9669-0800200c9a66',
// Create and register a new data vault
const res=await vault.registerEdv(config);
import the function to create a new data vault
import { HypersignEdvClient } from "@hypersign-protocol/hypersign-vault-client";
const config={
controller: authenticationKey.id,
edvId: 'urn:uuid:6e8bc430-9c3a-11d9-9669-0800200c9a66',
// this function will create a object of by calling HypersignEdvClientEd25519VerificationKey2020 constructor and return the object
const vault = HypersignEdvClient({
keyResolver: dummy,
url: 'https://stage.hypermine.in/vault/',
invocationKeyPair: ed25519obj,
keyagreementKeyPair: x25519,
// Create and register a new data vault
const res=vault.registerEdv(config)
Insert a document in the vault
// document to be inserted const data = { content:{ "@context": [ "https://www.w3.org/2018/credentials/v1", "https://w3id.org/security/suites/ed25519-2020/v1" ], "id": "http://example.edu/credentials/1872", "type": ["VerifiableCredential"], "issuer": "did:hid:testnet:z7hzKZfBMt9WCo84ZN9G42kKUqx6TrGB862dvtLVENVr5", "issuanceDate": "2020-03-10T04:24:12.164Z", "credentialSubject": { "id": "did:hid:testnet:z7hzKZfBMt9WCo84ZN9G42kKUqx6TrGB862dvtLVENVr5", "degree": { "type": "BachelorDegree", "name": "Bachelor of Science and Arts" }, "name": "Jayden Doe", "spouse": "did:hid:testnet:z7hzKZfBMt9WCo84ZN9G42kKUqx6TrGB862dvtLVENVr5" }, "proof": { "type": "Ed25519Signature2020", "created": "2020-03-10T04:24:12.164Z", "verificationMethod": "did:hid:testnet:z7hzKZfBMt9WCo84ZN9G42kKUqx6TrGB862dvtLVENVr5#z7hzKZfBMt9WCo84ZN9G42kKUqx6TrGB862dvtLVENVr5", "proofPurpose": "assertionMethod", "jws": "eyJhbGciOiJFZERTQSIsImI2NCI6ZmFsc2..." } } }
const res=await vault.insertDoc({ document:data, edvId: 'urn:uuid:6e8bc430-9c3a-11d9-9669-0800200c9a66', recipents:[ { id:didDocument.id.split('#')[0] + '#' + x25519.publicKeyMultibase type:'X25519KeyAgreementKey2020', publicKeyMultibase:x25519.publicKeyMultibase } ], // create index for the document to be inserted (for search purpose) indexs: [{ index:'content.id', unique:true }, { index:'content.issuer', unique:false }.{ index:'content.credentialSubject.id', unique:false }] })
Fetch the document from the vault
const res=await vault.fetchDoc({ edvId: 'urn:uuid:6e8bc430-9c3a-11d9-9669-0800200c9a66', docId:'${documentId}' })
Query the vault
const res=await vault.query({ edvId: 'urn:uuid:6e8bc430-9c3a-11d9-9669-0800200c9a66', equals:[ { 'content.credentialSubject.id':'did:hid:testnet:z7hzKZfBMt9WCo84ZN9G42kKUqx6TrGB862dvtLVENVr5' }] })
Update the document in the vault
const res=await vault.updateDoc({ edvId: 'urn:uuid:6e8bc430-9c3a-11d9-9669-0800200c9a66', docId:'${documentId}', document:{ content:{ // new data object "@context": [ "https://www.w3.org/2018/credentials/v1", "https://w3id.org/security/suites/ed25519-2020/v1" ], "id": "http://example.edu/credentials/1872", "type": ["VerifiableCredential"], "issuer": "did:hid:testnet:z7hzKZfBMt9WCo84ZN9G42kKUqx6TrGB862dvtLVENVr5", "issuanceDate": "2020-03-10T04:24:12.164Z", "credentialSubject": { "id": "did:hid:testnet:z7hzKZfBMt9WCo84ZN9G42kKUqx6TrGB862dvtLVENVr5", "degree": { "type": "BachelorDegree", "name": "Bachelor of Science and Arts" }, "name": "Jayden Doe", "spouse": "did:hid:testnet:z7hzKZfBMt9WCo84ZN9G42kKUqx6TrGB862dvtLVENVr5" }, "proof": { "type": "Ed25519Signature2020", "created": "2020-03-10T04:24:12.164Z", "verificationMethod": "did:hid:testnet:z7hzKZfBMt9WCo84ZN9G42kKUqx6TrGB862dvtLVENVr5#z7hzKZfBMt9WCo84ZN9G42kKUqx6TrGB862dvtLVENVr5", "proofPurpose": "assertionMethod", "jws": "eyJhbGciOiJFZERTQSIsImI2NCI6ZmFsc2..." } } } , indexs: [{ index:'content.id', unique:true }, { index:'content.issuer', unique:false }.{ index:'content.credentialSubject.id', unique:false }] })
Decrypt the document in the vault
const res=await vault.hsCipher.decryptDoc({ jwe: document.jwe, keyAgreementKey: x25519 })
- KeyType :
- EcdsaSecp256k1RecoveryMethod2020
- X25519KeyAgreementKeyEIP5630
- Sha256HmacKey2019
- Encryption Algo :
- x25519-xsalsa20-poly1305 (encrypted using X25519KeyAgreementKeyEIP5630)
Create a new data vault Pre-requisite :
import multibase from 'multibase'; function base64toMultibase58(base64) { const arr = Buffer.from(base64, 'base64'); const base58 = multibase.encode('base58btc', arr); return Buffer.from(base58).toString(); } const account = await ethereum.request({ method: 'eth_requestAccounts' }); const publicKey = await ethereum.request({ method: 'eth_getEncryptionPublicKey', params: [account[0]] }); const url = 'https://stage.hypermine.in/vault'; const did = `did:hid:testnet:${account[0]}`; const verificationMethod = { id: did + '#' + `eip155:1:${account[0]}`, type: 'EcdsaSecp256k1RecoveryMethod2020', controller: did, blockchainAccountId: `eip155:1:${account[0]}`, }; const publicKeyMultibase = base64toMultibase58(publicKey); const keyAgreementKeyPair = { id: did + '#' + publicKeyMultibase, type: 'X25519KeyAgreementKeyEIP5630', controller: did, publicKeyMultibase, };
Import the edv client class and create a new vault
import { HypersignEdvClientEcdsaSecp256k1 } from '@hypersign-protocol/hypersign-vault-client'; const vault = new HypersignEdvClientEcdsaSecp256k1({ url, keyAgreement: keyAgreementKeyPair, verificationMethod, }); const config = { edvId: 'urn:uuid:6e8bc430-9c3a-11d9-9669-0800200c9a66', verificationMethod, keyAgreement: keyAgreementKeyPair, }; const res = await vault.registerEdv(config);
import the function to create a new data vault
import { HypersignEdvClient } from '@hypersign-protocol/hypersign-vault-client'; const config = { edvId: 'urn:uuid:6e8bc430-9c3a-11d9-9669-0800200c9a66', verificationMethod, keyAgreement: keyAgreementKeyPair, }; const vault = HyperSignEdvClient({ url, invocationKeyPair: verificationMethod, keyagreementKeyPair: keyAgreementKeyPair, }); const res = await vault.registerEdv(config);
Insert Document
const res=await vault.insertDoc({ document:data, edvId: 'urn:uuid:6e8bc430-9c3a-11d9-9669-0800200c9a88', recipients: [{ id:didDocument.id.split('#')[0] + '#' + x25519.publicKeyMultibase type:'X25519KeyAgreementKey2020', }], indexs:[{ index:'content.id', unique:true }, { index:'content.credentialSubject.id', unique:false },{ index:'content.credentialSubject.degree.type', unique:false },{ index:'content.credentialSubject.degree.name', unique:false }, { index:'content.credentialSubject.name', unique:false }, { index:'content.credentialSubject.spouse', unique:false } ], })
Decrypt the document in the vault:
const doc= await vault.decryptDocument(
id: keyAgreementKeyPair.id,
type: 'X25519KeyAgreementKeyEIP5630'
- Authorization Strategies : HTTP Signatures (https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-cavage-http-signatures-12)
- Protocol/API : HTTP 1.1 / APIs
- Encryption Strategies : AES-GCM , XSalsa20Poly1305
- Versioning Strategies and Replication Strategies : TODO
- Notification mechanisms - TODO
- Hmac Blinding : This is a technique to index the data without revealing the data. This is done by using a secret key to generate a HMAC of the data and then using the HMAC as the index. This way the data is not revealed but can be searched. More
This repo is inspired by https://github.com/digitalbazaar/edv-client repo. Big shout out to them who who has been working on helping user gain control of their identity and data.
XSalsa20-Poly1305 and 256-bit "AES-GCM" as the FIPS-compliant version. https://www.npmjs.com/package/@digitalbazaar/minimal-cipher
This repo is under development