The WONDER javascript library is the Reference Implementation of Signaling On-the-Fly concept enabling seamless interoperability between different WebRTC Service Provider domains.
You may try by yourself Demo WONDER Applications here or to develop your own application following this quick start tutorial. You may also setup your own WONDER environment. The full WONDER library itself is here.
Check the [Project Site] ( for more information.
The research leading to WONDER results was done in a partnership between Portugal Telecom Inovação e Sistemas and Telekom Innovation Laboratories (T-Labs) and has received funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement n° 287581 - OpenLab.
WONDER library is a result of a R&D project to demonstrate the signaling-on-the-fly concept. Do not expect product ready quality. Of course, all contributions to improve it and to make it bulletproof are welcome :)