Rust UCI chess engine wrapper. Implements a useful fraction of the UCI protocol ( ). Allows doing multiple searches from parallel asyncs. Searches are queued and done one by one in a way opaque to the receiver of the result. Primary goal of the crate is to support play mode. Analysis mode / streaming results while searching is not supported. You issue a go / ponderhit / pondermiss command and await on bestmove / ponder. ( Pondermiss is a fancy name used by the crate for an awaited stop command, to reflect the use case of a failed ponder. )
extern crate env_logger;
use uciengine::uciengine::*;
async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let go_job1 = GoJob::new()
.uci_opt("UCI_Variant", "atomic")
.uci_opt("Hash", 128)
.uci_opt("Threads", 4)
.pos_fen("k7/8/8/8/8/8/R7/7K w - - 0 1")
.tc(Timecontrol {
wtime: 15000,
winc: 0,
btime: 15000,
binc: 0,
let go_job2 = GoJob::new()
.uci_opt("UCI_Variant", "chess")
.go_opt("depth", 12);
let engine = UciEngine::new("./stockfish12");
// make two clones of the engine, so that we can move them to async blocks
let (engine_clone1, engine_clone2) = (engine.clone(), engine.clone());
// issue two parallel async go commands, to demonstrate that they will be queued and processed one a time
tokio::spawn(async move {
let go_result1 = engine_clone1.go(go_job1).await;
println!("go result 1 {:?}", go_result1);
tokio::spawn(async move {
let go_result2 = engine_clone2.go(go_job2).await;
println!("go result 2 {:?}", go_result2);
// wait enough for the go commands to complete in the background
// quit engine
// wait for engine to quit gracefully
export RUST_LOG=info
# or
export RUST_LOG=debug