Decision Making Model (AI)
Reduced A.I to "decision making" eg, decision making systems/networks (governance?). There is a basic decision to operate sense organs for example. Prior conceptual models were based on the five senses. A model combining both would use a global dmm modula to activate each sense module, record feedback. DMM ---> Senses --> Actions ---> Feedback (loop)
the opposite is a five sense model (Pancha) each sense is basically given stimulus and reacts in memorised patterns. So the only "subrotines"/methods are recording stimulus (given input) and remembering previous stimulus to create a subroutine (processing), then carrrying out that action (output) The programs action is recorded as a new stimulus. The dmm could be in the middle in this model vs controlling everything vertically.
2022: More into "computer perception" or machine consciousness now. so like the eye receives signals, but it's the perception or input recording that is important. So simulating those processes.