My Collection is an app aimed at fans of the most beloved games of world, with it you can buy to all your games favorite, know details of game, look your history boughts and more.
- React-native: - Framework used in application development.
- Expo: - Tool used in application development.
- Axios: Http client based on promises for connection with api.
- yarn: Library of manager of packages.
React-native: (
- Expo: (
- Axios: (
- Eslint: (
- yarn: (
Prerequisites: To run the react-native project on your mobile or emulator you need some more specific settings, I recommend this link ( if you do not already have the recommended settings on your machine.
Clone repository:
$ git clone git://
Go to project folder:
$ cd MyCollection
Install all dependences:
$ npm install ou yarn
Finally run:
$ expo start (Android)
Now you will see the app running on your mobile phone or emulator :D
Created in class taught by Michel Kuguio.