This repository is the implementation of DKN (arXiv):
DKN: Deep Knowledge-Aware Network for News Recommendation
Hongwei Wang, Fuzheng Zhang, Xing Xie, Minyi Guo
The Web Conference 2018 (WWW 2018)
DKN is a deep knowledge-aware network that takes advantage of knowledge graph representation in news recommendation. The main components in DKN is a KCNN module and an attention module:
- The KCNN module is to learn from semantic-level and knowledge-level representations of news jointly. The multiple channels and alignment of words and entities enable KCNN to combine information from heterogeneous sources.
- The attention module is to model the different impacts of a user’s diverse historical interests on current candidate news.
: an efficient implementation of TransE and its extended models for Knowledge Graph Embedding (from;kg.txt
: knowledge graph file;
: pre-process the knowledge graph and output knowledge embedding files for DKN;
: generate the required input files for Fast-TransX;
: pre-process the news dataset;raw_test.txt
: raw test data file;raw_train.txt
: raw train data file;
: implementations of DKN.
Note: Due to the pricacy policies of Bing News and file size limits on Github, the released raw dataset and the knowledge graph in this repository is only a small sample of the original ones reported in the paper.
- raw_train.txt and raw_test.txt:
for each line, wherenews_title
is a list of wordsw1 w2 ... wn
, andentity_info
is a list of pairs of entity id and entity name:entity_id_1:entity_name;entity_id_2:entity_name...
- kg.txt:
for each line, wherehead
are entity ids andrelation
is the relation id.
The code has been tested running under Python 3.6.5, with the following packages installed (along with their dependencies):
- tensorflow-gpu == 1.4.0
- numpy == 1.14.5
- sklearn == 0.19.1
- pandas == 0.23.0
- gensim == 3.5.0
$ cd data/news
$ python
$ cd ../kg
$ python
$ cd Fast-TransX/transE/ (note: you can also choose other KGE methods)
$ g++ transE.cpp -o transE -pthread -O3 -march=native
$ ./transE
$ cd ../..
$ python
$ cd ../../src
$ python (note: use -h to check optional arguments)