Execute gradle tasks:
- generate keystore
$ ./gradlew genkey
or manually:
$ keytool -genkey -alias calc -keyalg RSA -keystore calc.jks -keysize 2048
$ cp calc.jks ~/.keystore
- generate certificate
$ keytool -export -alias calc -keystore calc.jks -rfc -file calc.csr
Important: Add the certificate as a trusted one in Java Control Panel. For Mac: System Preferences > Java > Open Java Control Panel > Security tab > Manage certificates > User > Import. Import it possibly everywhere (trusted certificates, secure site etc.).
- create *.jnlp file with a signed jar
$ ./gradlew createWebstart
It will create webstart files at build/jnlp
Copy the contents of build/jnlp
to Tomcat's webapps/ROOT
Go to Tomcat's bin
folder and execute startup script.
$ cd /opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.8/bin
$ ./startup.sh
Note: check if Tomcat is running with ps -ef | grep tomcat
and eventually kill the kitten: pkill -9 -f tomcat
Shorten: ./killtomacat.sh
In web browser:
It will download the jnlp file. Execute it and enjoy the calculator.
Commands I found useful:
Sign jar manually:
jarsigner -keystore ../../../calc.jks -storepass hania123 -keypass hania123 lab8__V1.0-SNAPSHOT-calc.jar calc
Unpack *.pack.gz file for whatever reason:
unpack200 *.jar.pack.gz *.jar