Dashboard to show the different factors that affect the churn rate of a call center.
This is a dashboard that displays different factors that affect the churn rate of customers for a call center. These factors have been separated into Demographics, Customer Account information & Services. It was observed that majority of the customers at risk of not using the services again used Electronic check as payment menthod and about 90% of them subscribed to monthly plans. Customers with partners generally spent over $1200 more than those without partners monthly on Paperless billing. A third of the customers that have partners that are at risk of churn use more of the streaming services and pay more in charges compared to others.
In order to reduce the churn rate among customers, it would be helpful if the following are implemented:
- Reduce the charges for customers that pay for yearly contract to encourage longer usage of services.
- Customers with partners & dependents should get improved payment plans and lesser charges.
- Other payment methods should be encouraged among customers as they might find electronic check stressful.
- The TechSupport & OnlineSecurity services should be improved so customers can have effective assistance with issues.
Below is the link to interact with the dashboard. https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiNDY0MDUyMzMtMWVmYy00NDk0LTlmYTItNDVlYWNkNjdjNGRjIiwidCI6ImFjYjY3YTYyLTRiOWQtNDhjZS04MmM0LTYyYjlmMjE2YjM5NyJ9