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Important Notice: Project No Longer Maintained

I would like to inform you that this project is no longer being actively maintained. Due to personal and professional reasons, I'm unable to continue updating and fixing issues for this project. Thank you to everyone who has contributed to and used this project!

React Native DnD Board

A drag and drop Kanban board for React Native using Reanimated (V1) and React Native Gesture Handler.


Step 1:

Install Reanimated V1.

Step 2:

Install React Native Gesture Handler.

Make sure your was updated by follow all Android instructions.

React Native Gesture Handler IMPORTANT NOTE: If you're using wix/react-native-navigation, please wrap your board screen using gestureHandlerRootHOC (View RNGH docs for more details). If not do it, your board won't work.

Step 3:

Install this package using npm or yarn

with npm:

npm install react-native-dnd-board

with yarn:

yarn add react-native-dnd-board

API reference

The package exports a Board component which is the one you'd use to render the dnd board and a Repository class to handle column, row layout.


Property Type Required Description
repository Repository yes Object that holds data
renderRow ({ item, index }) => {} yes Function responsible for rendering row item
renderColumnWrapper ({ item, index, columnComponent, layoutProps }) => {} yes Function responsible for rendering wrapper of the column
onRowPress (row) => {} no Function invoked when row pressed
onDragStart () => {} no Function invoked when drag is started
onDragEnd (fromColumnId, toColumnId, row) => {} no Function invoked when drag is finished
style StyleProp no Style of the board
columnWidth number no Initial min column width
accessoryRight function|View no Render end of the board. Useful when rendering virtual add more column.
activeRowStyle StyleProp no A custom style for the row when being dragged.
activeRowRotation number no Degrees to rotate the row when being dragged. Default is 8.
xScrollThreshold number no Offset from X to calculate scroll from. Default is 50.
yScrollThreshold number no Offset from Y for the rows. Default is 50.
dragSpeedFactor number no When dragging you can accelerate the scrollTo position. Default is 1.


Update repository data:


Handle column data:

repository.updateColumn(columnId, data);

Handle row data:

repository.addRow(columnId, data);
repository.updateRow(rowId, data);

Get rows with index updated:

const { rows } = repository.getItemsChanged();



You need to build Repository

import Board, { Repository } from "react-native-dnd-board";

const mockData = [
    id: "1",
    name: "Column 1",
    rows: [
        id: "11",
        name: "Row 1 (Column 1)",
        id: "12",
        name: "Row 2 (Column 1)",
    id: "2",
    name: "Column 2",
    rows: [
        id: "21",
        name: "Row 1 (Column 2)",

const [repository, setRepository] = useState(new Repository(mockData));

Render the Board


renderColumnWrapper function

const renderColumnWrapper = ({ item, columnComponent, layoutProps }) => {
  return (
    <View style={styles.column} {...layoutProps}>
      <Text style={styles.columnName}>{}</Text>

IMPORTANT: You need pass layoutProps to wrapper view props and columnComponent must be rendered inside renderColumnWrapper fuction.

See example for more details.


We're trying to improve board performance. If you have a better solution, please open a issue or pull request. Best regards!