Workflow for regional CTSM simulation, with a focus on creating mesh files for different land and atmospheric domains (on FRAM)
- use ncl script here:
(land mask need to be 1) - detailed instruction is in the file.
- would be good to improve this part (e.g., using python)
module load NCL/6.6.2-intel-2020a
ncl prepare_scriptgrid_fenno_ocean.ncl
- use shell script and ESMF applications here:
- detailed instruction is in the file.
- would be good to improve this part (e.g., using python and ESMPy)
- Download newest ctsm model version (e.g. your home directory $HOME)
# Go to home directory on fram
cd $HOME
# Clone CTSM
git clone
# Go to model folder
# Load external model and libraries for running CTSM
- Download dotcime for setting compiling/running environment of CTSM
# Go to home directory on fram
cd $HOME
# Clone dotcime
git clone
# Move dotcime to .cime
mv dotcime .cime
- Creat a running case of CTSM
# Go to script folder of ctsm
cd $HOME/CTSM/cime/scripts/
# Creat a new case
./create_newcase --case ../../../ctsm_cases/2000CLM-SP_clm5.1dev113 --compset 2000_DATM%GSWP3v1_CLM51%SP_SICE_SOCN_MOSART_SGLC_SWAV --res CLM_USRDAT --machine fram --run-unsupported --project nn2806k
# Go into case folder
cd $HOME/ctsm_cases/2000CLM-SP_clm5.1dev113
# set up cpus used in the case.
Go to env_mach_pes.xml, modify the following parts accordingly.
<entry id="NTASKS">
<value compclass="ATM">-2</value>
<value compclass="CPL">-2</value>
<value compclass="OCN">-2</value>
<value compclass="WAV">-2</value>
<value compclass="GLC">-2</value>
<value compclass="ICE">-2</value>
<value compclass="ROF">-2</value>
<value compclass="LND">-2</value>
<value compclass="ESP">1</value>
# Set up the case
- Set up the inputdata correctly
- Surface data: go to
in the case folder. Add addition line as following
- This is an old surface data I generated for the nordic region.
- If you want to make new surface data for specific domain on your own, please follow the scripts L101-136 on github (work for SAGA)
- This is the part that need to be streamlined too. Simple solution is to overwrite with the one provided in the repo.
- Mesh files: need to modify
in the case folder. Use the same mesh file seem to work for my testing case.
# set up atm mesh file:
./xmlchange --file env_run.xml --id ATM_DOMAIN_MESH --val /cluster/projects/nn2806k/huit/inputdata/share/meshes/
# set up lnd mesh file:
./xmlchange --file env_run.xml --id LND_DOMAIN_MESH --val /cluster/projects/nn2806k/huit/inputdata/share/meshes/
# set up mask mesh file:
./xmlchange --file env_run.xml --id MASK_MESH --val /cluster/projects/nn2806k/huit/inputdata/share/meshes/
- Change other running settings
# set up the time unit (e.g., nyears, nmonths, ndays).
./xmlchange --file env_run.xml --id STOP_OPTION --val nmonths
# set up the length of the simulation.
./xmlchange --file env_run.xml --id STOP_N --val 2
# Go to case folder
cd $HOME/ctsm_cases/2000CLM-SP_clm5.1dev113
# Build the case (about 10 minutes)
# Run the case (about 10 minutes)
# Go to the archive folder (output in netcdf format)
cd $USERWORK/archive/2000CLM-SP_clm5.1dev113/lnd/hist
see in "atm_forcing/cosmo_rea_6km"