Generates Book JSON file with random info. Uses chancejs library to generate random author names, pick random dates in an array and pick random book genres in an array. You can edit the "main.js" file to add / remove / edit books genres and dates:
var bookGenresArr = ['Adventure', 'Comic', 'Crime', 'Docufiction', 'Epistolary', 'Erotic', 'Fiction', 'Fantasy', 'Historical', 'Horror', 'Magic', 'realism', 'Mystery', 'Paranoid', 'Philosophical', 'Political', 'Romance', 'Saga', 'Satire', 'Science', 'Speculative', 'Superhero', 'Thriller', 'Urban', 'Western'];
var yearsArr = [2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000];
By editing
var generateNumberPerCycle = 10;
You will control the number of "Books" generated per file.
It will generate 10 files, and automatically download the them.
##Book JSON Format
"name":"Book Title",
"name":"Author Name",
"gender":"male or female"
"genre":"Book genre",
"publish_date":"Date in format: yyyy-mm-dd"
##Licence This project is licensed under the MIT License so feel free to hack away :)