Export records from Zeebe to Hazelcast. Hazelcast is an in-memory data grid which is used as a transport layer.
The records are transformed into Protobuf and added to one ringbuffer. The ringbuffer has a fixed capacity and will override the oldest entries when the capacity is reached.
Multiple applications can read from the ringbuffer. The application itself controls where to read from by proving a sequence number. Every application can read from a different sequence.
The Java and C# connector modules provide a convenient way to read the records from the ringbuffer.
Add the Maven dependency to your pom.xml
Connect to Hazelcast and register a listener
ClientConfig clientConfig = new ClientConfig();
HazelcastInstance hz = HazelcastClient.newHazelcastClient(clientConfig);
final ZeebeHazelcast zeebeHazelcast = ZeebeHazelcast.newBuilder(hz)
.addWorkflowInstanceListener(workflowInstance -> { ... })
.readFrom(sequence) / .readFromHead() / .readFromTail()
// ...
Add the nuget package zeebe hazelcast connector(???)
to your project.
Example usage:
// Start the Hazelcast Client and connect to an already running Hazelcast Cluster on
var hz = HazelcastClient.NewHazelcastClient();
// Get a Topic called "zeebe-deployments"
var topic = hz.GetTopic<byte[]>("zeebe-deployments");
// Add a Listener to the Topic
DeploymentListener.Consumer consumer = (record) => Console.WriteLine(record.ToString());
topic.AddMessageListener(new DeploymentListener(consumer));
For a local setup, the repository contains a docker-compose file. It starts a Zeebe broker with the Hazelcast exporter. The version of the exporter is defined in the .env
mvn clean install -DskipTests
cd docker
docker-compose up
Download the latest Zeebe distribution (zeebe-distribution-%{VERSION}.tar.gz )
Copy the exporter JAR into the broker folder
.cp exporter/target/zeebe-hazelcast-exporter-%{VERSION}-jar-with-dependencies.jar ~/zeebe-broker-%{VERSION}/exporters/
Add the exporter to the broker configuration
:zeebe: broker: exporters: hazelcast: className: io.zeebe.hazelcast.exporter.HazelcastExporter jarPath: exporters/zeebe-hazelcast-exporter-%{VERSION}-jar-with-dependencies.jar
For broker version < 0.23.0-alpha2
:[[exporters]] id = "hazelcast" className = "io.zeebe.hazelcast.exporter.HazelcastExporter" jarPath = "exporters/zeebe-hazelcast-exporter-%{VERSION}-jar-with-dependencies.jar"
Start the broker
In the Zeebe configuration file, you can change
- the Hazelcast port
- the value and record types which are exported
- the ringbuffer's name
- the ringbuffer's capacity
- the ringbuffer's time-to-live
- the record serialization format
Default values:
id = "hazelcast"
className = "io.zeebe.hazelcast.exporter.HazelcastExporter"
# Hazelcast port
port = 5701
# comma separated list of io.zeebe.protocol.record.ValueType to export or empty to export all types
enabledValueTypes = ""
# comma separated list of io.zeebe.protocol.record.RecordType to export or empty to export all types
enabledRecordTypes = ""
# Hazelcast ringbuffer's name
name = "zeebe"
# Hazelcast ringbuffer's capacity
capacity = 10000
# Hazelcast ringbuffer's time-to-live in seconds
timeToLiveInSeconds = 3600
# record serialization format: [protobuf|json]
format = "protobuf"
The values can be overridden by environment variables with the same name and a ZEEBE_HAZELCAST_
The exporter and the Java connector can be built with Maven
mvn clean install
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