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Virtual Wallet for Swift Vapor. Adds support for wallets and transactions for `Fluent` models.


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Vapor Logo Swift 5.2 Logo MIT License

VaporWallet - Easy to work with virtual wallet for Swift Vapor framework

This package is inspired by Laravel-Wallet

Usage guide

In your Package.swift file, add the following

.package(url: "", from: "1.0")

.target(name: "App", dependencies: [
    .product(name: "Vapor", package: "vapor"),
    .product(name: "VaporWallet", package: "vapor-wallet")

Setup model

Simply conform any Model to HasWallet protocol and now your model has a virtual wallet.

final class User: Model {
    static let schema = "users"
    @ID(key: .id)
    var id: UUID?

extension User: HasWallet {
    static let idKey = \User.$id


In configure add migrations

import VaporWallet

public func configure(_ app: Application) throws {



Now User instances can have access to a wallet.

Using wallets repository

let repo = user.walletsRepository(on: db)

try await repo.create()

try await repo.deposit(amount: 100)
try await repo.withdraw(amount: 20, ["description": "paid for some cool stuff"])
Auto create wallet

If you want a default wallet to be automatically created when a model is saved to database you can use the provided database middleware with the package:


Now for every User model saved to database, a default wallet will be created.

Wallet balance

Wallet balance is not automatically refreshed on every transaction by default. You need to refresh balance to get the updated balance of the wallet.

try await repo.create()
try await repo.deposit(amount: 100)

let balance = try await repo.balance() 
// balance is Double(0)

let refreshedBalance = try await repo.refreshBalance()
// refreshedBalance is Double(100)

It is recommended to add the provided database middleware to auto-refresh wallet balance with each transaction (deposit/withdraw).


try await repo.deposit(amount: 100)
let balance = try await repo.balance()
// balance is allways up-to-date 
Confirm deposit

Deposit to a wallet can be unconfirmed. It will not calculated in wallet balance. you can confirm it later by calling the transaction's confirm method. After confirming transaction(s), wallets balance is automatically refreshed (unless use autoRefresh: false parameter). But if you confirm a transaction manually by running fluent queries, you need to call refreshBalance() method to update the wallet's balance.

try await repo.deposit(amount: 100, confirmed: false)
// balance is 0

let unconfirmedBalance = try await wallets.balance(withUnconfirmed: true)
// unconfirmedBalance is 100

// OR

try await repo.confirmAll()
// now balance is 100

// manuallty confirm transactions
try await wallet.$transactions
    .query(on: db)
    .set(\.$confirmed, to: true)
// balance still is 0

try await repo.refreshBalance()
// now balance is 100

Multiple wallets

Any model conformed to HasWallet can have multiple wallets.

let savingsWallet = WalletType(name: "savings")
let myWallet = WalletType(name: "my-wallet")

try await repo.create(type: myWallet)
try await repo.create(type: savingsWallet)

try await repo.deposit(to: myWallet, amount: 100)
try await repo.deposit(to: savingsWallet, amount: 15)

try await repo.withdraw(from: myWallet, amount: 25)
try await repo.balance(type: myWallet)
// balance is 75

Transfering funds between wallets

Funds can be transfered between wallets of same user or different users. Transfering funds between wallets of a single user can be done with wallet types,

try await repo.transfer(from: myWallet, to: savingsWallet, amount: 10)

But transfering funds to a wallet of another user requires to get the wallet model first, then transfer the fund to it.

let repo1 = try await user1.walletsRepository(on: db)
let repo2 = try await user2.walletsRepository(on: db)

let walletUser2 = try await repo2.default()
try await repo1.transfer(from: .default, to: walletUser2, amount: 10)
// this will transfer 10 from user1's default wallet to user2's default wallet

Working with fractional numbers

All transaction amounts and wallet balances are stored as Integer values. But balance is allways returned as Double. So if you like you can get wallet balance as a decimal value based on decimal places of the wallet. Deposit and withdraw amounts can be both Integer or Double, but at the end both will be stored as Integer

try await repo.create(type: .default, decimalPlaces: 2)
try await repo.deposit(amount: 100)
let balance = try await repo.balance() 
// balance is Double(100)

try await repo.deposit(amount: 1.45)
let balance = try await repo.balance() 
// balance is Double(245)   100+145

let decimalBalance = try await repo.balance(asDecimal: true) 
// Double(2.45)

All fractional amounts in transactions will be truncated to decimalPlaces of the wallet. Default value when creating a wallet is 2.

try await repo.create(type: .default, decimalPlaces: 2)
try await repo.deposit(amount: 1.555)
let balance = try await repo.balance() 
// balance is 155 not 155.5 and not 1555 

Minimum allowed balance and negative wallet balance

When creating a wallet, default minimum allowed balance is set to 0, so the wallet balance can not be negative. Any positive or negative value can be set as minimum allowed balance, so you can force a wallet to allways have a minumum balance or even let the wallet to have negative balance.

try await repo.create(minAllowedBalance: -50) 
try await repo.deposite(amount: 100)
try await repo.withdraw(amount: 130)
let balance = try await repo.balance()
// balance is -20

Empty a wallet

You can empty a wallet to zero or minimum allowed balance value which has been set when creating the wallet.

try await repo.create(minAllowedBalance: -50) 
try await repo.deposite(amount: 100)
try await repo.empty(strategy: .toZero)
// balance is 0
try await repo.empty(strategy: .toMinAllowed)
// balance is -50

Known issues

  • Using HasWallet protocol is limited to models with UUID primary key.
  • Transfering funds between wallets with different decimalPlaces values have unknown result.