container-with-xterm runs sshd inside the container and expose shell with "xterm.js".
- secure anything
- limit anything
see GitHub project
- build container
docker build -t container-with-xterm .
- run it
$ docker run -it -p 3000:3000 --rm container-with-xterm
> container-with-xterm@0.0.1 start /
> NODE_ENV=prod node app.js
Node.js is listening to PORT:3000
- open your brouser http://localhost:3000
- to stop, press Ctrl-C on the terminal you used in step 2.
These components are running in one container.
[Browser with Terminal(xterm.js)] <---WebSocket(> [Server(Express.js with] ---ssh(ssh2.js)---> sshd
- Docker
npm run dev
npm start
docker build -t container-with-xterm .