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Used Libraries

Jonathan Schneider edited this page Mar 26, 2019 · 4 revisions

Flask - a light-weight web framework

Flask-RESTful - adds support for quickly building REST APIs

flask-restful-swagger-2 - adds swagger support according to the swagger 2.0 specification.

Flask-SQLAlchemy - adds support for SQLAlchemy (Object Relational Mapper) by providing useful defaults and extra helpers

Flask-Migrate - extension that handles SQLAlchemy database migrations for Flask applications using Alembic

marshmallow-sqlalchemy - adds support for marshmallow (de)serialization library

Database adapters

psycopg2 - most popular PostgreSQL adapter for Python

sqlalchemy-hana - SQLAlchemy Dialect for SAP HANA

pyhdb - SAP HANA Connector (used as a driver hana+pyhdb://)


ijson - iterative JSON parser for high-perfomance POST request parsing

networkx - creation, manipulation, and study of the structure of complex graphs

docker - Docker SDK for Python to run experiments in docker containers

R environment

httr Simple HTTP library for requests from execution container to backend

pcalg Implementation of PC algorithm in R

parallelpc Parallel implementation of PC algorithm in R

optparse Command line argument parser for R scripts