Some gadgets implemented by Matlab.
To run the code, we need the support of Tensor Toolbox for MATLAB, Version 3.2.1. The toolbox can be downloaded from here: After you download the toolbox, decompress under the matGadgets/ directory, and add toolbox folder to path using 'addpath('tensor_toolbox-v3.2.1');' command in the code (Please see the demo for details).
Version History: May 10, 2021 Created repo and uploaded main body.
Function Structure:
- demo.m: This is the demo part that shows how to run the fullTucker function.
- fullTucker.m: This is the full decomposition implementation of HOSVD (Tucker model).
- ./Utils/twoDigits.m: This is a function created to adapt the file names of corresponding dataset, in which you can simply iterate through the timestamps and turn the number (especially less than 10) into two digits
- ./Utils/sortem.m: The function is used to sort the eigen matrix and then re-order the factor matrix with the sorted eigen matrix.
- ./Utils/readTensorFile.m: This is a function created to read the file from defined directory.
- ./Utils/myUnfold.m: This is a function that unfolding tensor T on the mode n.
- ./Utils/myPSNR.m: This is a function that computes the PSNR and RMSE defined in TThresh.