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Artifacts of SC'23 paper "AMRIC: A Novel In Situ Lossy Compression Framework for Efficient I/O in Adaptive Mesh Refinement Applications"

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AMRIC: A Novel In Situ Lossy Compression Framework for Efficient I/O in Adaptive Mesh Refinement Applications


AMRIC is a novel in-situ lossy compression framework that leverages the HDF5 filter to enhance both I/O efficiency and compression quality for Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) applications. AMRIC was integrated into the AMReX framework and evaluated on two real-world AMR applications, Nyx and WarpX.

While preparing the artifacts, we executed them on a single node from the Chameleon Cloud, equipped with two Intel Xeon Gold 6242 CPUs and 192 GB of memory (specifically, compute_skylake configuration). We recommend that reviewers also use the Chameleon Cloud for artifact evaluation.

Method 1: Use Singularity Image (Recommended)

The entire workflow takes approximately 10 minutes to execute, including downloading container image and preparing environment (3 mins), running WarpX simulation (3 mins), running Nyx simulation (3 mins), and evaluating compression performance (1 min).

Minimum system requirements

OS: Ubuntu (20.04 is recommended)

Memory: >= 16 GB RAM

Processor: >= 8 cores

Storage: >= 32 GBs

Step 1: Install Singularity

Install Singularity

Step 2: Download the pre-built Singularity image file via gdown

Press Enter after finishing.

sudo apt-get install python3-pip
sudo pip3 install gdown

or via GitHub

git clone
cat SC23-AMRIC-Image/img/amric.sif-* > amric.sif

Step 3: Build and run the image file (need root privilege)

sudo singularity build --sandbox artiAmr amric.sif
sudo singularity shell --writable artiAmr

Step 4: Set up environmental variables

export OMPI_DIR=/opt/ompi 
export OMPI_VERSION=4.1.1
export PATH=$OMPI_DIR/bin:$PATH
export MANPATH=$OMPI_DIR/share/man:$MANPATH
export C_INCLUDE_PATH=/opt/ompi/include:$C_INCLUDE_PATH

Step 5: Run WarpX simulation with no compression, AMReX's original compression, and AMRIC

cd /home/wpx256/

Step 6: Run NYX simulation with no compression, AMReX's original compression, and AMRIC

cd /home/nyx128/

Step 7: Evaluate WarpX's data quality and compression ratio for original AMReX compression and our AMRIC

cd /home/wpx256/diags/
. > temp.txt

Step 8: Evaluate NYX's data quality and compression ratio for original AMReX compression and our AMRIC

cd /home/nyx128/run/
. > temp.txt

Step 9: Compare I/O perf for baselines (i.e., no compression and ori AMReX compression) and AMRIC in WarpX

cd /home/wpx256/otfile/

Step 10: Compare I/O performance between baselines and AMRIC in NYX

cd /home/nyx128/otfile/

Method 2: Build From Source

Minimum system & software libraries requirements

OS: Linux (Ubuntu is recommended)

Memory: >= 16 GB RAM

Processor: >= 8 cores

gcc/9.4.0 (or 9.3.0)

cmake (>= 3.23)

OpenMPI/4.1.1 (install scripts provided, or spectrum-mpi)


hdf5/1.12.2 (install scripts provided)

Step 1: Download AMRIC, checkpoint files, and set up environmental variables (2 mins)

git clone
export AMRIC_HOME=$(pwd)
echo "# start of AMRIC env" >> ~/.bashrc
echo export AMRIC_HOME=$(pwd) >> ~/.bashrc

Step 2: Load or install CMake and numpy. For example, in Ubuntu

pip3 install numpy
sudo snap install cmake --classic

Step 3: Load or install OpenMPI. For example, in Ubuntu (7 mins)

sudo bash 

Step 4: Download and install the HDF5 library (4 mins)


Step 5: Install optimized SZ3 compressor and H5Z-SZ3 compression filter (5 mins)


Step 6: Install AMReX and Nyx with AMRIC (8 mins)


Step 7: Install WarpX with AMRIC (9 mins)


Step 8: Download qcat (compression analysis tool, 1 min)


Step 9: Run WarpX with no compression, AMReX’s original compression, and AMRIC (3 mins)

cd $AMRIC_HOME/warpx_directory/WarpX

Step 10: Run NYX with no compression, AMReX’s original compression, and AMRIC (3 mins).

cd $AMRIC_HOME/Nyx/Exec/AMR-density

Step 11: Evaluate WarpX’s data quality and compression ratio for original AMReX compression and our AMRIC.

cd $AMRIC_HOME/warpx_directory/WarpX/diags
cp $AMRIC_HOME/SZ_SLE/build/tools/H5Z-SZ3/test/des-w .
cp $AMRIC_HOME/orisz3/build/tools/H5Z-SZ3/test/ss-w .
cp $AMRIC_HOME/orisz3/build/tools/H5Z-SZ3/test/stack-w .
cp $AMRIC_HOME/qcat/install/bin/compareData .
. > out.txt

Step 12: Evaluate NYX’s data quality and compression ratio for original AMReX compression and our AMRIC.

cd $AMRIC_HOME/Nyx/Exec/AMR-density/run
cp $AMRIC_HOME/qcat/install/bin/compareData .
cp $AMRIC_HOME/SZ_SLE/build/tools/H5Z-SZ3/test/des .
cp $AMRIC_HOME/orisz3/build/tools/H5Z-SZ3/test/ss .
cp $AMRIC_HOME/orisz3/build/tools/H5Z-SZ3/test/stack .
. > out.txt

Step 13: Compare I/O performance between baselines (i.e., no compression and ori AMReX compression) and AMRIC in WarpX.

cd $AMRIC_HOME/warpx_directory/WarpX/otfile

Step 14: Compare I/O performance between baselines (i.e., no compression and ori AMReX compression) and AMRIC in Nyx.

cd $AMRIC_HOME/Nyx/Exec/AMR-density/otfile

Expected Evaluation Results

The expected results for WarpX’s data quality and compression ratio (method 1 step 6) are:

----- Data Quality for original AMReX Compression -----
PSNR = 58.600102
---------- Data Quality for AMRIC-SZ-L/R ----------
PSNR = 61.749515
---------- Data Quality for AMRIC-SZInterp ----------
PSNR = 59.146966
---------- CR for original AMReX Compression ----------
CR is: 14.62
---------- CR for AMRIC-SZ-L/R ----------
CR is: 108.94
---------- CR for AMRIC-SZInterp ----------
CR is: 131.41

The expected results for Nyx’s data quality and compression ratio (method 1 step 7) are:

----- Data Quality for original AMReX Compression -----
PSNR = 61.977332
---------- Data Quality for AMRIC-SZ_L/R ----------
PSNR = 66.650492
---------- Data Quality for AMRIC-SZInterp ----------
PSNR = 66.566370
---------- CR for original AMReX Compression ----------
CR is: 6.53
---------- CR for AMRIC-SZ_L/R ----------
CR is: 13.08
---------- CR for AMRIC-SZInterp ----------
CR is: 11.25

The expected results for WarpX’s I/O performance (method 1 step 8) are:

---------- Writing Time for No Compression ----------
***** run 0 *****
No Compression Total time = 1.514 seconds
No Compression Preprocess time = 0.216 seconds
No Compression writing time = 1.322 seconds
------------------------ END ------------------------
------ Writing Time for original AMReX Compression ------
***** run 0 *****
original AMReX Total time = 4.734 seconds
original AMReX Preprocess time = 0.189 seconds
original AMReX Writing+Compression time = 4.493 seconds
------------------------ END ------------------------
---------- Writing Time for AMRIC-SZ_L/R ----------
***** run 0 *****
AMRIC-SZ_L/R Total time = 1.115 seconds
AMRIC-SZ_L/R Preprocess time = 0.223 seconds
AMRIC-SZ_L/R Writing+Compression time = 0.906 seconds
------------------------ END ------------------------
---------- Writing Time for AMRIC-SZInterp ----------
***** run 0 *****
AMRIC-SZ_Interp Total time = 1.878 seconds
AMRIC-SZ_Interp Preprocess time = 0.950 seconds
AMRIC-SZ_Interp Writing+Compression time = 0.937 seconds
------------------------ END ------------------------

The expected results for Nyx’s I/O performance (method 1 step 9) are:

---------- Writing Time for No Compression ----------
***** run 0 *****
No Compression Total time = 0.195 seconds
No Compression Preprocess time = 0.016 seconds
No Compression writing time = 0.177 seconds
------------------------ END ------------------------
----- Writing Time for original AMReX Compression -----
***** run 0 *****
original AMReX Total time = 0.674 seconds
original AMReX Preprocess time = 0.020 seconds
original AMReX Writing+Compression time = 0.649 seconds
------------------------ END ------------------------
---------- Writing Time for AMRIC-SZ_L/R ----------
***** run 0 *****
AMRIC-SZ_L/R Total time = 0.182 seconds
AMRIC-SZ_L/R Preprocess time = 0.018 seconds
AMRIC-SZ_L/R Writing+Compression time = 0.155 seconds
------------------------ END ------------------------
---------- Writing Time for AMRIC-SZInterp ----------
***** run 0 *****
AMRIC-SZ_Interp Total time = 0.230 seconds
AMRIC-SZ_Interp Preprocess time = 0.102 seconds
AMRIC-SZ_Interp Writing+Compression time = 0.122 seconds
------------------------ END ------------------------


Artifacts of SC'23 paper "AMRIC: A Novel In Situ Lossy Compression Framework for Efficient I/O in Adaptive Mesh Refinement Applications"






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