Palanteer is a set of lean and efficient tools to improve the quality of software, for C++ and Python programs.
Simple code instrumentation, mostly automatic in Python, delivers powerful features:
- Collection of meaningful atomic events on timings, memory, locks wait and usage, context switches, data values..
- Visual and interactive observation of record: timeline, plot, histograms, flame graph...
- Remote command call and events observation can be scripted in Python: deep testing has never been simpler
- C++:
- ultra-light single-header cross-platform instrumentation library
- compile-time selection of groups of instrumentation
- compile-time hashing of static string to minimize their cost
- compile-time striping of all instrumentation static strings
- enhanced assertions, stack trace dump...
- Python:
- Automatic instrumentation of functions enter/leave, memory allocations, raised exceptions, garbage collection runs
Palanteer is an efficient, lean and comprehensive solution for better and enjoyable software development!
Below is a simple example of a C++ program instrumented with Palanteer and generating 100 000 random integers. The range can be remotely configured with a user-defined CLI.
The Python scripting module can control this program, in particular:
- call the setBoundsCliHandler to change the configuration
- temporarily stop the program at the freeze point
- see all "random data" values and the timing of the scope event "Generate some random values"
// File: example.cpp
// On Linux, build with: g++ -DUSE_PL=1 -I <palanteer C++ instrumentation folder> example.cpp -lpthread -o example
#include <stdlib.h> // For "rand"
#define PL_IMPLEMENTATION 1 // The instrumentation library shall be "implemented" once
#include "palanteer.h"
int globalMinValue = 0, globalMaxValue = 10;
// Handler (=user implementation) of the example CLI, which sets the range
void setBoundsCliHandler(plCliIo& cio) // 'cio' is a communication helper passed to each C++ CLI handler
int minValue = cio.getParamInt(0); // Get the 2 CLI parameters as integers (as declared)
int maxValue = cio.getParamInt(1);
if(minValue>maxValue) { // Case where the CLI execution fails. The text answer contains some information about it
cio.setErrorState("Minimum value (%d) shall be lower than the maximum value (%d)", minValue, maxValue);
// Modify the state of the program. No care about thread-safety here, to keep the example simple
globalMinValue = minValue;
globalMaxValue = maxValue;
// CLI execution was successful (because no call to cio.setErrorState())
int main(int argc, char** argv)
plInitAndStart("example"); // Start the instrumentation, for the program named "example"
plDeclareThread("Main"); // Declare the current thread as "Main" so that it can be identified more easily in the script
plRegisterCli(setBoundsCliHandler, "config:setRange", "min=int max=int", "Sets the value bounds of the random generator"); // Declare our CLI
plFreezePoint(); // Add a freeze point here to be able to configure the program at a controlled moment
plBegin("Generate some random values");
for(int i=0; i<100000; ++i) {
int value = globalMinValue + rand()%(globalMaxValue+1-globalMinValue);
plData("random data", value); // Here are the "useful" values
plEnd(""); // Shortcut for plEnd("Generate some random values")
plStopAndUninit(); // Stop and uninitialize the instrumentation
return 0;
Some C++ performance figures (see here for more details):
- nanosecond resolution and ~25 nanoseconds cost per event on a standard x64 machine
- up to ~3 millions events per second when recording, the bottleneck being on the server processing side
- up to ~150 000 events per second when processing the flow through a Python script, the bottleneck being on the Python script side
More details and an example of remote script is provided here
Execution of unmodified Python programs can be analyzed directly with a syntax similar to the one of cProfile
, as a large part of the instrumentation is automated by default:
- Functions enter/leave
- Interpreter memory allocations
- All raised exceptions
- Garbage collection runs
In some cases, a manual instrumentation which enhances or replaces the automatic one is desired.
The example below is such an equivalent of the C++ one above but in Python:
#! /usr/bin/env python3
import sys
import random
from palanteer import *
globalMinValue, globalMaxValue = 0, 10
# Handler (=implementation) of the example CLI, which sets the range
def setBoundsCliHandler(minValue, maxValue): # 2 parameters (both integer) as declared
global globalMinValue, globalMaxValue
if minValue>maxValue: # Case where the CLI execution fails (non null status). The text answer contains some information about it
return 1, "Minimum value (%d) shall be lower than the maximum value (%d)" % (minValue, maxValue)
# Modify the state of the program
globalMinValue, globalMaxValue = minValue, maxValue
# CLI execution was successful (null status)
return 0, ""
def main(argv):
global globalMinValue, globalMaxValue
plInitAndStart("example") # Start the instrumentation
plDeclareThread("Main") # Declare the current thread as "Main", so that it can be identified more easily in the script
plRegisterCli(setBoundsCliHandler, "config:setRange", "min=int max=int", "Sets the value bounds of the random generator") # Declare the CLI
plFreezePoint() # Add a freeze point here to be able to configure the program at a controlled moment
plBegin("Generate some random values")
for i in range(100000):
value = int(globalMinValue + random.random()*(globalMaxValue+1-globalMinValue))
plData("random data", value) # Here are the "useful" values
plEnd("") # Shortcut for plEnd("Generate some random values")
plStopAndUninit() # Stop and uninitialize the instrumentation
# Bootstrap
if __name__ == "__main__":
More details and an example of remote script, the same as for the C++ example, is provided here
The complete documentation is accessible inside the repository, and online:
- Introduction
- Getting started
- Base concepts
- C++ instrumentation API
- C++ instrumentation configuration
- Python instrumentation API
- Scripting API
- More
Palanteer is lean, its full installation requires only usual components:
- a C++14+ compiler (gcc, clang or MSVC) in Windows 10 or Linux 64 bits for the viewer and scripting module
- a C++11+ compiler (tested with gcc, clang and MSVC) 32 or 64 bits for the C++ instrumentation library
- CPython 3.7+
- OpenGL 3.3+
In particular, the C++ single-header instrumentation library requires only C++11 or above.
See here for more details on the requirements per component.
Other dependencies are snapshotted inside this repository, so for information only:
Dependency name | License type | URL |
Khronos OpenGL API and Extension | MIT | |
Dear ImGui | MIT | |
stb_image | Public domain | |
Fonts 'Roboto-Medium.ttf' | Apache License, Version 2.0 | |
ZStandard | BSD | |
Markdeep | BSD | |
The instrumentation libraries are under the MIT license.
The viewer and the Python scripting module are under the AGPLv3+.
See for details.
Even if no major bugs are known and a special care has been taken to test as many cases as possible, this project is young and in beta state.
Your feedback and raised issues are warmly welcome to improve its quality, especially as it aims at improving software quality...