vagrant is a useful tool for managing vm's
this project is a simple hadoop setup with vagrant
At first install vagrant
Then install Virtualbox
sudo apt install virtualbox
just run this command's
** note: you need to a stable internet to have a correct installation
sudo mkdir -p /etc/vbox/
echo "*"|sudo tee /etc/vbox/networks.conf
vagrant up
for Apple Silicon run this commands
docker_branch use docker as a provider instead of virtualbox
git checkout docker_provider
vagrant up
- #hdfs webUI
- #yarn webUI
if you are using docker your webUI address will be changed because in docker version project use port_forwarding
- http://localhost:9870 #hdfs webUI
- http://localhost:8088 #yarn webUI
delete vm's with their files
vagrant destroy
shutdown vm's
vagrant halt
ssh to a specific vm
vagrant ssh <YOUR-VM-NAME>
for example:
vagrant ssh hadoop-master vagrant ssh hadoop-worker1
after ssh change your unix user to hadoop
sudo su hadoop
now you are able to use below commands!
- ls in hdfs
hdfs dfs -ls /your/path/to
- make directories in hdfs
hdfs dfs -mkdir -p /your/path
- put file from your directory to hdfs
hdfs dfs -put /path/to/your-file /path/to/hdfs
run this command to set hosts
sudo sed -i '/hadoop/d' /etc/hosts
echo " hadoop-master hadoop-worker1 hadoop-worker2 hadoop-worker3
" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts