CrateDB is a distributed SQL database management system that integrates a fully searchable document oriented data store. It is open-source, written in Java, based on a shared nothing architecture, and is designed for high scalability and includes components from Facebook Presto, Apache Lucene, Elasticsearch and Netty.
To fast deploy of CrateDB on server/s, I wrote ansible-crate
project by Ansible. In this project, CrateDB will automatic deploy with Docker.
To use ansible-crate
project you need some packages for deploying it, in your Ansible machine you need this package:
- ansible
To deploy ansible-crate
project, after clone the project in your Ansible machine, enter your server/s IP address and node_name
in hosts file:
vi hosts
After that set information of your environment in variable file:
vi group_vars/all
Now for running Ansible Playbook you should run the beneath command:
ansible-playbook -i hosts main-playbook.yml
Project website:
Author: Hossein Aghaie
Twitter: Hossein Aghaie @hos7ein
ansible-crate source code is available under the GPL-3.0 License.