>cd oa
>npm install
>DEBUG=cart:* npm start
-> Browser
: get all products
/cart/add?id={product id}
: add one product to the cart
: list cart
/cart/remove?id={product id}
: remove one product from the cart
/cart/removeAll?id={product id}
: remove all product (of one kind) from the cart
(Just for reference, the SQLite file is already included in the working directory)
CREATE TABLE products(uid CHAR(32) PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT, price INTEGER);
INSERT INTO products values('b0885a5c2aa511e9b210d663bd873d93', 'Sledgehammer', 12576);
INSERT INTO products values('b0885d042aa511e9b210d663bd873d93', 'Axe', 19051);
INSERT INTO products values('b0885e622aa511e9b210d663bd873d93', 'Bandsaw', 56214);
INSERT INTO products values('b0885fac2aa511e9b210d663bd873d93', 'Chisel', 139);
INSERT INTO products values('b08860f62aa511e9b210d663bd873d93', 'Hacksaw', 1945);