This sample is an application composed of microservices. If you’re wondering about the names – all good internet content involves cats. This sample was written to be used as a live demo, and I have some experience of live demos, so I called it – of course – cat-astrophe.
The following projects comprise this application:
- A web front end, catastrophe-web
- A persistent store of user information, catastrophe-users
- A cat scoring service, catastrophe-scoring
- A cat repository, catastrophe-cats
Service discovery is handled by a Liberty extension which automatically registers services with a Consul service registry.
This application is designed to run on a raspberry pi (and optionally Bluemix), and runs on WebSphere Liberty.
Cloning this project should clone each constituent microservice. Each one has a gradle build and a deploy to bluemix button on the the README.
This sample uses WebSphere Liberty, Java EE interfaces, the webjars bundles of the Bootstrap UI framework, and the Liberty Consul Service Discovery sample.