This is a simple ember app to show user authentication using Mozilla Persona
The app shows a list of cars that belong to the user (No UI for this atm, add them from the admin console of django).
- frontend
- Ember.js
- ember-data
- ember-data-django-rest-adapter
- backend
- Django
- Django REST Framework
- django-browserid
A Client-Server architecture is used. The backend provides a simple REST API:
The REST API uses a Token authentication scheme
- A user fires up a login request. The Persona dialog is presented.
- The auth assertion is passed to the client.
- The client sends a POST request to /auth/login with the assertion
- The server tries to authenticate the user (by calling Mozilla's verify service) and responds with email and
API token if succeds or 500 if not. The server creates a new user if none associated with that email.
- The client stores the API Token for the session (used by ember-data adapter to consume the REST API)
The frontend uses Ember APP Kit as a skeleton. After cloning the repo:
cd ember-persona-example/frontend
npm install
grunt server (runs server at port 8000)
For the backend
cd ember-person-example/backend
# python, so we create a virtualenv, I use virtualenvwrapper here, you should too
mkvirtualenv ember-persona-example
pip install -r requirements
python syncdb
python runserver 8888
Open a browser and go to http://localhost:8000. Go to the login section and press the login with Persona button to authenticate.
- deploy to heroku
- Vagrant for dev env
- dev install script
- Allow car add/delete/edit