Firmware for the DSMR-logger using only API call's
Here and here you can find information about this project.
Documentation can be found here (in progress)!
Versie | Opmerking |
3.0.Beta2 | v3-Beta2 Release
Instelling DSMR protocol nu via settings Belgische Slimme Meters werken nu zonder aanpassingen (dsmr2Lib) Selectie MBus waar de Slimme Meter op is aangesloten via settings SPIFFS is vervangen door LittleFS |
2.0.1 | First Final Release
Implementing DSMRloggerWS actual api (for backwards compatibility) More robust way to write hourly data to the RING-files Bugfix PRE40 gasmeter reading Remove validity check on meterstanden editor Better FieldName translation Bugfix mindergas processing |
1.2.1 | Third Official Release
Instelling SM_HAS_NO_FASE_INFO nu via settings Selectie OLED scherm via settings Mogelijkheid om het oled scherm 180* te flippen via settings Check op volgordelijkheid Uren (in de GUI) macaddress in /api/v1/dev/info (Phyxion) Bailout some functions on low heap Simplification and better tab restAPIs Editer Maanden tabel verbetert (maar nog steeds lastig te gebruiken) Betere test of er op github nieuwe firmware beschikbaar is bugfix prevent GUI firering multiple restAPI call's The Leading Edge type GUI now completely from github. Set 'index page' to "DSMRindexEDGE.html" to make use of the latest development (but be aware, there might be bugs) |
1.1.0 | Second Official Release
Introduction ESP_SysLogger GUI is now even more a Single Page Application (SPA) Better coping with WiFi losses (continue operation and try to reconnect) Restructure slimmemeter.loop() etc. You can find pré compiled binaries at code -> releases |
1.0.1 | First official release
You can find pré compiled binaries at code -> releases |
0.3.5 RC3 | Third Release Candidate |