Swagger is a specification for describing, producting, consuming, and visualizing RESTful web services. Node-swagger-api is a tool that consumes Swagger API specs written in js and generates documentation views, and stubbed controllers and integration tests that are compatible with our Node.JS API servers.
Install Node.JS. I really like nvm (node version manager) here: https://github.com/creationix/nvm
git clone git://github.com/creationix/nvm.git ~/nvm
. ~/nvm/nvm.sh
nvm run 0.8
Download the node-swagger-api library:
git clone https://github.com/braitz/node-swagger-api.git
cd node-swagger-api
npm install
Initialze the included example:
cd example
npm install
Quick Start
cd example
npm run-script genAll
node app
View, Edit, Add Swagger specification files in node-swagger-api/example/api. (see https://github.com/wordnik/swagger-core/wiki )
Generate swagger documentaion views:
cd example
npm run-script genDocs
(see package.json for genDocs script definition, or call the script directly: node ./scripts/genDocs.js --basePath http://localhost:3030 --copy ./public
- Run the test server
cd example
node app -p 3030
- View Swagger docs in the browser
Click on reservation link...
- Generate stubbed controllers based on Swagger spec:
cd example
npm run-script genControllers
This will create controllers in the ./app/controllers, overwriting existing ones. If you want to build them in a temporary location first, use node ./scripts/genControllers.js
which will save them to ./build/controllers
node ./scripts/genControllers.js`
Start the server
npm start
View available routes from the root directory. Try the following:
- Generate stubbed tests based on Swagger spec:
cd example
npm run-script genTests
This will create tests in the ./test dir, overwriting existing tests. If you want to build them in a temporary location first, use node ./scripts/genTest.js
which will save them to ./build/test
- Run tests
npm test