A curated list of amazingly awesome free (stock) photo resources for your projects. Inspired by all the other awesome awesomeness out there.
- fancycrave.com - royalty free high resolution images for your personal and commercial projects
- flickr.com - internet archive book images, no known copyright restrictions
- foodiesfeed.com - food images, free of licences
- getrefe.tumblr.com - photos of people interacting with technology for personal or commercial projects
- gratisography.com - all pictures are free of copyright restrictions
- imcreator.com - requires attribution
- jaymantri.com - entirely free of copyrights. 7 new photos every thursday.
- kaboompics.com
- lifeofpix.com - images for personal & commercial use. all images are donated to the public domain
- littlevisuals.co - entirely free of copyrights. updated almost daily.
- lockandstockphotos.com - requires attribution
- magdeleine.co - hand picked, most images are free of licences
- morguefile.com - no attribution required
- nos.twnsnd.co - vintage images, free of any copyright restrictions
- pexels.com - beautiful collection of photos, free of licenses
- picjumbo.com - totally free photos for your commercial & personal works
- picography.co - free of licences
- publicdomainarchive.com - public domain images
- publicphoto.org - public domain photos
- raumrot.com
- snapographic.com - free of licences
- splitshire.com - delicious free stock photos for personal & commercial use
- startupstockphotos.com - startup related photos, free of licences
- superfamous.com - requires attribution
- titania-foto.com - german, no attribution required, only resale on other stock image websites forbidden
- unsplash.com - free of licences
- wefunction.com - free of licences
I want this to become a truly awesome resource. Devs should be able to take a look and choose a great resource without googling for hours.
- If you have any suggestions on how to make this better, open an issue.
- If you have a resource to contribute, make a pull request.
Please just use
add resource.com
in your commit message. - Please keep the format in alphabetical order.
- In vim: Select the lines to be sorted in "Visual Line" mode with
Shift + V
and invoke the "sort" function with:sort
. - In SublimeText: Just select the lines to be sorted and hit F5.
- In vim: Select the lines to be sorted in "Visual Line" mode with
Please make sure the provider isn't some EvilCorp™ that'll send nice letters with a hefty price tag through their attorneys later on.
- figure out which data beside the licences is interesting/important
- figure out a good way to format and represent the data