Useless and overengineered calculator written in python. Uses custom math expression form that allows some simple actions.
Mathexp parses simple expressions that are written strictly following specific form, for example:
This expression outputs 8. It can be interpreted as "(0+(1+1))*2*2" or "multiply(add(1,1),2,2)"
You can use a...b to mark range between a and b:
Outputs 46
Also it is possible to use expressions within expressions with brackets ():
Outputs 6.0
Note that uses 0 as the initial value (that is why all the examples start with +).
There isn`t much to say, this is just your usual python script. You can use it as a library (class Calculator from mathexp/, or just run That's all.
This project is licensed under GLWTPL (The best license ever and also the first thing I saw in recommendations)